Best Sweet potatoes

The Ultimate Guide to Exporting Egyptian Sweet Potatoes: Quality, Varieties, Sizes, and Uses with GEO EXPORTING

At GEO EXPORTING and our renowned brand GEO FARMS™, we take pride in delivering the finest Egyptian sweet potatoes to markets worldwide. Our commitment to quality, diverse variety selection, and meticulous packing ensure "Patate" reaches you in perfect condition, ready to enhance your culinary creations.

Naturally Grown Egyptian Sweet Potatoes

Why Choose Egyptian Sweet Potatoes from GEO EXPORTING?

Celebrated for their rich flavor, vibrant color, and excellent nutritional value. At GEO EXPORTING, we cultivate these qualities to perfection. Grown in the fertile soils of Egypt, benefiting from the ideal climate and our dedicated farming practices.


We offer a range of sweet potato varieties to cater to diverse tastes and uses:

  1. Beauregard: Known for its deep orange flesh and sweet flavor, perfect for baking and roasting.
  2. Bellevue: With copper skin and moist, sweet flesh, ideal for casseroles and soups.

Sizes to Suit Every Need

Various sizes to meet your specific requirements:

Expert Packing of sweet potatoes for Maximum Freshness

At GEO EXPORTING, we understand that proper packing is crucial to maintaining quality and freshness during transit. Our packing process includes:

  1. Thorough Cleaning: carefully washed to remove any soil and debris.
  2. Sorting by Size and Quality: Each sweet potato is inspected and sorted to meet our high standards.
  3. Secure Packaging: Using high-quality materials, we packit to protect them from damage and preserve their freshness.

Tailored Packaging Options

We offer a variety of packaging options to suit different markets and preferences:

Versatile Uses

Our sweet potatoes are incredibly versatile and can be used in a variety of culinary applications:

Commitment to Quality and Customer Satisfaction

At GEO EXPORTING and GEO FARMS™, quality is our top priority. We comply with international export standards and regulations, ensuring that every batch of the best "Patate" meets the highest quality benchmarks. Our logistics team works closely with reliable shipping partners to guarantee timely and efficient delivery, no matter where you are in the world.

Experience the Best sweet potatoes with GEO EXPORTING

When you choose GEO EXPORTING and GEO FARMS™, you are choosing superior quality, exceptional taste, and unmatched customer service. Our dedication to excellence ensures that you receive only the finest Egyptian "Patate", ready to elevate your culinary creations.

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Stay connected with GEO FARMS™ for the latest updates, farming practices, and delicious recipes. Follow our blog and social media channels to learn more about us.

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Patate douce d'Egypte

La patate douce d'Egypte ou patate douce (Ipomoea batatas) est une plante dicotylédone qui appartient à la famille des liserons ou gloire du matin, les Convolvulaceae.

Contrôle qualité - Producteur égyptien de patates douces

Présentation du contrôle qualité entrant (IQC)

Un objectif clé de GEO EXPORTING à ce stade est la récolte des patates douces (légumes-racines) selon de nouvelles méthodes de récolte afin de minimiser les rayures sur la surface de la patate douce. Notre équipe inspecte également les patates douces entrantes pour s'assurer qu'elles répondent aux spécifications de nos clients et qu'elles sont de la bonne taille.

Patate douce d'Egypte

Plantation de variétés biologiques telles que :

Beauregard / Bellevue Patata


Les patates douces sont un gros légume-racine tubéreux au goût sucré et féculent qui gagne en popularité comme substitut de la pomme de terre et est également largement utilisé dans diverses cuisines culinaires.

Sans pesticides

Emplacement d'une ferme au Caire, Egypte


Avant la récolte de notre ferme

Capacité d’approvisionnement jusqu’à 9 500 MT.

Présentation de la patate douce d'Égypte pour le contrôle de la qualité du processus d'entrée (IPQC)

Fait référence au contrôle de la qualité dans le processus d'entrée des matières premières, de la production et de l'emballage.

Nous faisons de même avec tous nos légumes comme l'oignon rouge, l'oignon doré, l'ail, les carottes et les pommes de terre.

Patate douce d'Egypte

L'IPQC pour notre patate douce biologique met l'accent sur (2) méthodes de nettoyage :

  1. Patates douces non lavées
  2. Patates douces lavées

Patates / Sweet Potato douces non lavees

Patate douce d'Egypte

Nous utilisons le nettoyage à sec sans durcissement. Cela se fait parfois pour les clients qui souhaitent le faire.
lavage et séchage dans son pays, notamment pour les lieux proches transit moins de 12 jours Prévu
taux de dégâts autorisé de 10 %.

Patates / Sweet Potato douces lavees

Washing Egyptian Sweet potato by GEO FARMS

Lavé (nettoyage + séchage) pour conserver les pommes de terre pendant une durée de conservation supérieure à 60 jours en 5 étapes :

  1. Laver notre patate douce d'Egypte.
  2. Coupez la partie avant et la partie arrière qui transporte les bactéries et triez.
  3. 4/7 jours en salle de cure pour refermer toute blessure ou toute coupure.
  4. Après cela, nous procédons au tri.
  5. Processus de dimensionnement.

Beauregard Étape de nettoyage

Patate douce d'Egypte Producteur


De notre ferme à notre station jusqu'à votre main

""GEO Slogan""

Et enfin notre Assurance Qualité sortante / OQA

Nous visons à exporter des patates douces biologiques sans niveaux élevés de pesticides et en parfait état vers nos clients existants et potentiels. et,

En outre, nous pensons que le maintien d’une qualité élevée est la clé du succès commercial et pour faire de nous l’un des principaux producteurs de patates douces égyptiennes.

Bellevue Exportation de variétés vers l’Europe

Patate douce d'Egypte

Class 1 - Prime

6KG Open-Top Carton

De notre ferme à notre station jusqu'à votre main

""GEO Slogan""

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Egyptian Sweet Potato

Egyptian Sweet Potato or sweetpotato (Ipomoea batatas) is a dicotyledonous plant that belongs to the bindweed or morning glory family, Convolvulaceae.

Quality Control - Egyptian Sweet Potato Producer

Introducing Incoming Quality Control (IQC)

A key focus of GEO EXPORTING at this stage is harvesting sweet potatoes (Root vegetables) according to new harvesting methods to minimize scratches on the sweet potato surface. Our team also inspects incoming sweet potatoes to ensure that they meet the specifications of our clients and are the right size.


Planting Organic Varieties such as:

Beauregard / Bellevue Patata


Sweet potatoes are a large starchy sweet tasting tuberous root vegetable that is gaining increasing popularity as a potato substitute and is also widely used in various culinary cuisines.

Free from Pesticides

Farm Location in Cairo, Egypt


Before Harvest from our Farm

Supply ability up to 9,500 MT

Introducing Input Process Quality Control (IPQC) Egyptian Sweet Potato

Refers to quality control in the input process of raw materials, production, and packaging.

We do the same with all our vegetables such as Red Onion, Golden onion, Garlic, carrots, and Potatoes.

IPQC for our Organic Sweet Potato emphasizes (2) Cleaning Methods:

  1. Unwashed Potatoes
  2. Washed Potatoes

Unwashed Potatoes

We use Dry Cleaning without curing It is done sometimes for customers who want to do
washing and curing in his country, especially for nearby places transit less than 12 days Expected
permitted damage rate from 10 %.

Washed Potatoes

Washing Egyptian Sweet potato by GEO FARMS

Washed through (cleaning +curing) to save potatoes long a shelf life higher than 60 days through 5 Steps:

  1. Washing our Egyptian Sweet Potato.
  2. Cut the front part and the back part that carries the bacteria and sorting.
  3. 4/7 day at Curing room to close any injury or any cut.
  4. After that, we do the sorting process.
  5. Sizing process.

Beauregard Cleaning step

Sweet potato Producer


From Our Farm to our station to your Hand

""GEO Slogan""

And Finally our Outgoing Quality Assurance / OQA

We aim to export organic Sweet Potatoes without high pesticide levels and in perfect condition to our existing customers and potential as well. and,

Also, we believe that maintaining high Quality is the key to forward business success and to making us one of the top Egyptian Sweet Potato producers.

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