Patate douce d'Egypte

La patate douce d'Egypte ou patate douce (Ipomoea batatas) est une plante dicotylédone qui appartient à la famille des liserons ou gloire du matin, les Convolvulaceae.

Contrôle qualité - Producteur égyptien de patates douces

Présentation du contrôle qualité entrant (IQC)

Un objectif clé de GEO EXPORTING à ce stade est la récolte des patates douces (légumes-racines) selon de nouvelles méthodes de récolte afin de minimiser les rayures sur la surface de la patate douce. Notre équipe inspecte également les patates douces entrantes pour s'assurer qu'elles répondent aux spécifications de nos clients et qu'elles sont de la bonne taille.

Patate douce d'Egypte

Plantation de variétés biologiques telles que :

Beauregard / Bellevue Patata


Les patates douces sont un gros légume-racine tubéreux au goût sucré et féculent qui gagne en popularité comme substitut de la pomme de terre et est également largement utilisé dans diverses cuisines culinaires.

Sans pesticides

Emplacement d'une ferme au Caire, Egypte


Avant la récolte de notre ferme

Capacité d’approvisionnement jusqu’à 9 500 MT.

Présentation de la patate douce d'Égypte pour le contrôle de la qualité du processus d'entrée (IPQC)

Fait référence au contrôle de la qualité dans le processus d'entrée des matières premières, de la production et de l'emballage.

Nous faisons de même avec tous nos légumes comme l'oignon rouge, l'oignon doré, l'ail, les carottes et les pommes de terre.

Patate douce d'Egypte

L'IPQC pour notre patate douce biologique met l'accent sur (2) méthodes de nettoyage :

  1. Patates douces non lavées
  2. Patates douces lavées

Patates / Sweet Potato douces non lavees

Patate douce d'Egypte

Nous utilisons le nettoyage à sec sans durcissement. Cela se fait parfois pour les clients qui souhaitent le faire.
lavage et séchage dans son pays, notamment pour les lieux proches transit moins de 12 jours Prévu
taux de dégâts autorisé de 10 %.

Patates / Sweet Potato douces lavees

Washing Egyptian Sweet potato by GEO FARMS

Lavé (nettoyage + séchage) pour conserver les pommes de terre pendant une durée de conservation supérieure à 60 jours en 5 étapes :

  1. Laver notre patate douce d'Egypte.
  2. Coupez la partie avant et la partie arrière qui transporte les bactéries et triez.
  3. 4/7 jours en salle de cure pour refermer toute blessure ou toute coupure.
  4. Après cela, nous procédons au tri.
  5. Processus de dimensionnement.

Beauregard Étape de nettoyage

Patate douce d'Egypte Producteur


De notre ferme à notre station jusqu'à votre main

""GEO Slogan""

Et enfin notre Assurance Qualité sortante / OQA

Nous visons à exporter des patates douces biologiques sans niveaux élevés de pesticides et en parfait état vers nos clients existants et potentiels. et,

En outre, nous pensons que le maintien d’une qualité élevée est la clé du succès commercial et pour faire de nous l’un des principaux producteurs de patates douces égyptiennes.

Bellevue Exportation de variétés vers l’Europe

Patate douce d'Egypte

Class 1 - Prime

6KG Open-Top Carton

De notre ferme à notre station jusqu'à votre main

""GEO Slogan""

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WhatsApp: +201112456632

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Our Latest Posts:

Spring Onions from Egypt

Egyptian Spring Onion has two Popular varieties which we will focus on in detail

Quality Control - Egyptian Spring Onion

Egyptian Spring Onion Photon

Egyptian Spring Onion Varieties


Fresh onion top exporter in egypt


Size of Bulb8 mm: 50mm
Length27 CM to 38 CM
PackingCarton OR Plastic Basket
Weight2 Gram / 2.5 / 3 / 4 /5 /6 Gram
ClassClass 1, According to European Standards
Egyptian Spring Onion

No. of Onions in a gap

  1. For Catering and Cooking, we use 14 Punch, 5 Bulb Per One Medium size.
  2. For Salad, we use 20 Punch small size bulb
  3. Bunches as per customer Request
Photo Spring Onion egypt export


Visual Appearance

Straight, erect leaves tightly wrapped around a central core, Firm, clean, well-rounded bulb, and clean roots.

Availability: October to mid of April

Our Recent Shipments

Benefits of Egyptian Spring Onion

It is beneficial to maintain a healthy immune system and a strong skin by eating Egyptian spring onions. In addition, they contain flavonoids, an antioxidant that may help prevent cancer and heart disease.

History of the Egyptian Onion

Because of their many layers, Spring Onions from Egypt were sacred to Egyptians, as the layers symbolized eternity. However, the onion’s origin isn’t really known, and it’s not certain that it came from Egypt.

Despite that, it’s believed that the Egyptian Onion originated in India or Pakistan and that Romans introduced it to Europe.

Some Highlights

Spring onions not only taste great but are also extremely healthy for the body. Commonly known as scallion or green onion. Both the green leafy part and the white bulb of the spring onion are edible. It tastes a little milder than the regular onion and can be cooked or eaten raw as well.

Reduces The Risk Of Cancer

In addition to being a great source of sulfur, spring onions from Egypt are also quite beneficial for your health. In addition to allyl sulfide, it contains flavonoids that protect against cancer and fight the enzymes that make cancer cells. Adding green onions to your diet will protect you against cancer and promote a healthy lifestyle.

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WhatsApp: +201112456632

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Egyptian Sweet Potato

Egyptian Sweet Potato or sweetpotato (Ipomoea batatas) is a dicotyledonous plant that belongs to the bindweed or morning glory family, Convolvulaceae.

Quality Control - Egyptian Sweet Potato Producer

Introducing Incoming Quality Control (IQC)

A key focus of GEO EXPORTING at this stage is harvesting sweet potatoes (Root vegetables) according to new harvesting methods to minimize scratches on the sweet potato surface. Our team also inspects incoming sweet potatoes to ensure that they meet the specifications of our clients and are the right size.


Planting Organic Varieties such as:

Beauregard / Bellevue Patata


Sweet potatoes are a large starchy sweet tasting tuberous root vegetable that is gaining increasing popularity as a potato substitute and is also widely used in various culinary cuisines.

Free from Pesticides

Farm Location in Cairo, Egypt


Before Harvest from our Farm

Supply ability up to 9,500 MT

Introducing Input Process Quality Control (IPQC) Egyptian Sweet Potato

Refers to quality control in the input process of raw materials, production, and packaging.

We do the same with all our vegetables such as Red Onion, Golden onion, Garlic, carrots, and Potatoes.

IPQC for our Organic Sweet Potato emphasizes (2) Cleaning Methods:

  1. Unwashed Potatoes
  2. Washed Potatoes

Unwashed Potatoes

We use Dry Cleaning without curing It is done sometimes for customers who want to do
washing and curing in his country, especially for nearby places transit less than 12 days Expected
permitted damage rate from 10 %.

Washed Potatoes

Washing Egyptian Sweet potato by GEO FARMS

Washed through (cleaning +curing) to save potatoes long a shelf life higher than 60 days through 5 Steps:

  1. Washing our Egyptian Sweet Potato.
  2. Cut the front part and the back part that carries the bacteria and sorting.
  3. 4/7 day at Curing room to close any injury or any cut.
  4. After that, we do the sorting process.
  5. Sizing process.

Beauregard Cleaning step

Sweet potato Producer


From Our Farm to our station to your Hand

""GEO Slogan""

And Finally our Outgoing Quality Assurance / OQA

We aim to export organic Sweet Potatoes without high pesticide levels and in perfect condition to our existing customers and potential as well. and,

Also, we believe that maintaining high Quality is the key to forward business success and to making us one of the top Egyptian Sweet Potato producers.

Contact Us

WhatsApp: +201112456632

Email us: | |

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Garlic Exporter From Egypt

Garlic exporter

Garlic Export Egypt

"GEO Exporting" is one of the Leading Garlic suppliers that add value to Egypt`s top exporter`s portfolio.

GEO Exporting Logo
Egyptian Garlic Sizes
Egyptian Garlic Sizes

An Introduction to Garlic Exporter:

"GEO Exporting " is one of the leading garlic exporters from Egypt, as we export in compliance with European food hygiene standards and standards by not containing pesticide residues.

Where garlic is characterized by our ability to endure long periods of time because we follow the best way in the garlic cultivation

In Egypt, there are many varieties of garlic, including local Chinese garlic, garlic, and strains 40 and 41 and the sixth derivatives of these two strains of Chinese garlic are excellent strains and export specifications, varies depending on the history of agriculture, several factors.

namely cultivated variety, climatic conditions, and method of cultivation

Top Garlic Exporter By Country From Worldstopexports.Com

Worldwide garlic exports by country totaled US$2.8 billion in 2019.

That dollar value reflects an 11.3% increase since 2015 and a 30.9% uptick from 2018 to 2019.

Remarkable for its sharp and pungent taste resembling horseradish or minced onions combined with chives, garlic is a popular seasoning ingredient.

Raw or cooked garlic cloves are also used for medicinal purposes in many cultures.

From a continental perspective, Asian countries sold almost three-quarters (72.6%) of the world’s exported garlic during 2019 with shipments valued at $2 billion.

In second place were European exporters at 19% while 6.1% of global garlic shipments originated from Latin America excluding Mexico but including the Caribbean.

Smaller percentages came from North America (1.1%), Africa (also 1.1%) then Oceania’s (0.03%) Australia and New Zealand only.

For research purposes, the 6-digit Harmonized Tariff System code prefix for garlic is 070320.

Below are the 15 countries that exported the highest dollar value worth of garlic during 2018.

Top Exporter By Us Dollar

Below are the 15 countries that exported the highest dollar value worth of garlic in 2019.

  1. China: US$2 billion (71.3% of total garlic exports)
  2. Spain: $359.9 million (12.9%)
  3. Argentina: $131.7 million (4.7%)
  4. Netherlands: $78.9 million (2.8%)
  5. France: $32.4 million (1.2%)
  6. Egypt: $27.3 million (1%)
  7. Italy: $23.5 million (0.8%)
  8. Chile: $21.6 million (0.8%)
  9. Peru: $17.5 million (0.6%)
  10. United States: $15.7 million (0.6%)
  11. Mexico: $15.2 million (0.5%)
  12. Iran: $11 million (0.4%)
  13. United Kingdom: $5.6 million (0.2%)
  14. India: $5.5 million (0.2%)
  15. Germany: $4.5 million (0.2%)

By value, the listed 15 countries shipped 97.8% of all garlic exports in 2018.

Among the top exporters, the fastest-growing garlic exporters since 2014 were:

Uzbekistan (up 3,477%)

Peru (up 1,093%)

Egypt (up 167.6%)

and Malaysia (up 70.7%).

Those countries that posted declines in their exported garlic sales were led by: Italy (down -24.9%), United Kingdom (down -19.1%), United States (down -17.6%), France (down -9.3%), and Portugal (down -5.1%).

Specifications & Details

VarietyRed Garlic / White Garlic Fresh and Dry
Product NameGarlic
Caliber20, 30, 40 , 50, 60, 70, 80 Mm
PackingCarton / Mesh bag / Basket
Unite weightAs Client Request
Container 40 ftDepended on Packing from 20 tonss to 25 tons.
One container 40 ft takes 25 to mesh bag
One container 40 ft takes 24 to Carton

Health Benefits Of Garlic exporter From healthline.Com

Those are famous words from the ancient Greek physician Hippocrates, often called the father of Western medicine.

He actually used to prescribe garlic to treat a variety of medical conditions.

Modern science has recently confirmed many of these beneficial health effects.

Here are 11 health benefits of garlic that are supported by human research.

1. Garlic Contains Compounds With Potent Medicinal Properties

Garlic is a plant in the Allium (onion) family, It is closely related to onions, shallots, and leeks. Each segment of a garlic bulb is called a clove. There are about 10–20 cloves in a single bulb, give or take.


2. Showcase Garlic`s benefits

Garlic is a calorie nutritious incredibly, One clove (3 grams) of raw garlic contains (5):

Benefits of Egyptrian Garlic
  • Manganese: 2% of the Daily Value (DV)
  • Vitamin B6: 2% of the DV
  • Vitamin C: 1% of the DV
  • Selenium: 1% of the DV
  • Fiber: 0.6 grams
  • Decent amounts of calcium, copper, potassium, phosphorus, iron, and vitamin B1

This comes with 4.5 calories, 0.2 grams of protein, and 1 gram of carbs.

Garlic also contains trace amounts of various other nutrients. In fact, it contains a little bit of almost everything you need.

3. How Garlic Fights Colds and The Flu?

Garlic has been used for centuries as both a food ingredient and medicine, In fact, eating garlic can provide a wide variety of health benefits (1Trusted Source).

This includes reduced heart disease risk, improved mental health, and enhanced immune function

4. View some studies on garlic as a healthy food

  • One large, 12-week study found that a daily garlic supplement reduced the number of colds by 63% compared to a placebo (6Trusted Source).
  • The average length of cold symptoms was also reduced by 70%, from 5 days in the placebo group to just 1.5 days in the garlic group.
  • Another study found that a high dose of aged garlic extract (2.56 grams per day) reduced the number of days sick with cold or flu by 61% (7Trusted Source).
  • However, one review concluded that the evidence is insufficient and more research is needed (8Trusted Source).
  • Despite the lack of strong evidence, adding garlic to your diet may be worth trying if you often get colds.

By GEO`s team/ freshfresh vegetablesvegetables/exporterfresh garlic Egyptfresh garlic exportergarlic exportergarlic production in Egyptimport of garlic