Producteur égyptien de citron

Producteur égyptien de citron

Contrôle qualité - Producteur égyptien de citron

Présentation du contrôle qualité entrant (IQC)

GEO EXPORTING à ce stade se concentre sur l'inspection du citron entrant en ce qui concerne la qualité, les exigences du client et les étalonnages.

Producteur égyptien de citron

Adalia Citron / EUREKA (A) Spécifications de la variété :

Citrus limon / Lemon / Citron


Classique juteuse, peau jaune vif avec chair jaune, moelle épaisse et blanche et contient peu de graines

Sans pesticides

Emplacement de la ferme à Rashid, Égypte


Avant la récolte de notre ferme

Capacité d’approvisionnement jusqu’à 5 000 MT

Présentation du contrôle qualité du processus d'entrée (IPQC) producteur de citron égyptien

Fait référence au contrôle de la qualité dans le processus d'entrée des matières premières, de la production et de l'emballage.

Nous faisons de même avec tous nos agrumes tels que les oranges Navel, les oranges Valencia, les mandarines et les pamplemousses.

et tous nos légumes tels que l'oignon doré, l'oignon rouge, l'oignon doré, l'ail, les patates douces, les carottes et les pommes de terre.

Regardez notre processus de lavage Adalia Lemon

L’IPQC pour notre Citron Bio met l’accent sur deux points clés :

  1. Vérification du premier produit d'un lot de la ligne de produits ou d'une ligne qui a changé de produit et établissement d'une norme de produit dans le département de production, et être l'un des principaux producteurs d'agrumes en Égypte.
  2. Les normes d'inspection du citron frais Adalia en production doivent être contrôlées sur la base du premier échantillon, ce qui signifie que tous les produits de la production officielle doivent répondre aux exigences du premier échantillon de notre citron frais et que les matières premières doivent être vérifiées comme étant correctes. avant le début de la production.
Producteur égyptien de citron

Frais Adalia Lemon / EUREKA (A) Grade

Est-ce l’une de nos meilleures cultures et la plus demandée ?

Le fruit a une croûte et une peau moyennement épaisses et fermes, avec un jus très acidulé et une peau huileuse et parfumée.

Producteur égyptien de citron


De notre ferme à notre station jusqu'à votre main

""GEO Slogan""

Et enfin notre Assurance Qualité sortante / OQA

Nous visons à exporter du citron biologique sans niveaux élevés de pesticides et en parfait état vers nos clients existants et potentiels. et,

En outre, nous pensons que le maintien d’une qualité élevée est la clé du succès commercial et pour faire de nous l’un des principaux producteurs égyptiens de citron.

GEO FARMS Brand From Egypt

Adalia Lemon

Producteur égyptien de citron

Grade A - Prime

TSCP Carton 15/16 kg

Marque ™ "GEO FARMS"



De notre ferme à notre station jusqu'à votre main

""GEO Slogan""

Expéditions récentes de notre citron

L'exportation de citron biologique égyptien a toujours été notre passion et nous avons une longue histoire de relations avec de nombreux pays importateurs tels que l'Europe, l'Afrique et les pays du Golfe, et nous allons maintenant montrer nos expéditions récentes et la manière dont nous préparons le chargement de nos conteneurs.

Contact Us

WhatsApp: +201112456632

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Our Latest Posts:

Egyptian Lemon Producer

Egyptian Lemon Producer

Quality Control - Egyptian Lemon Producer

Introducing Incoming Quality Control (IQC)

GEO EXPORTING at this stage focuses on the inspection of incoming Lemon with regard to quality, Client Requirements, and calibrations.

Lemon Producer in Egypt

Adalia Lemon EUREKA (A) Variety Specifications:

Citrus limon / Lemon / Citron


Juicy classic, bright yellow skin with yellow flesh, thick, white pith, and contains few seeds

Free from Pesticides

Farm Location in Rashid, Egypt


Before Harvest from our Farm

Supply ability up to 5,000 MT

Introducing Input Process Quality Control (IPQC) Egyptian Lemon Producer

Refers to quality control in the input process of raw materials, production, and packaging.

We do the same with all our citrus such as Navel Oranges, Valencia Oranges, Mandarins, and Grapefruit.

and all our vegetables such as Golden Onion, Red Onion, Golden onion, Garlic, Sweet Potatoes, carrots, and Potatoes.

Watch our Adalia Lemon washing process

IPQC for our Organic Lemon emphasizes two key points:

  1. Verification of the first product of a batch from the product line or a line that has switched products and establishment of product standard in the production department, and to be one of the top citrus producers in Egypt.
  2. The inspection standards for Fresh Adalia Lemon in production shall be controlled based on the first sample, meaning that all of the products in the official production shall meet the requirements for the first sample of our Fresh Lemon and that the raw materials shall be verified as correct before the production begins.
Adalia Lemon

Fresh Adalia Lemon / EUREKA (A) Grade

Is one of our best crops and the most demanded

The fruit has a medium-thick, firm rind and skin, with very tart juice and a fragrant, oily peel.

Egyptian Lemon Producer


From Our Farm to our station to your Hand

""GEO Slogan""

And Finally our Outgoing Quality Assurance / OQA

We aim to export organic lemon without high pesticide levels and in perfect condition to our existing customers and potential as well. and,

Also, we believe that maintaining high Quality is the key to forward business success and to making us one of the top Egyptian Lemon producers.

GEO FARMS Brand From Egypt

Adalia Lemon

Egyptian Lemon Producer

Grade A - Premium

TSCP Carton 15/16 kg

Brand Name ™ "GEO FARMS"



From Our Farm to our station to your Hand

""GEO Slogan""

Recent Shipments of our Lemon

Exporting Egyptian Organic Lemon has always been our passion and we have a long history of dealing with many importing countries such as Europe, Africa, and Gulf countries, and now will slide show our recent shipments and how we prepare our container loading.

Contact Us

WhatsApp: +201112456632

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Our Latest Posts:

Citrus Producer in Egypt

Citrus Producer in Egypt

Quality Control - Citrus Producer in Egypt

Introducing Incoming Quality Control (IQC)

GEO EXPORTING at this stage focuses on the inspection of incoming oranges with regard to quality and calibrations.

GEO Exporting for Oranges

Video instructed here

Valencia Orange

Before harvest Day

Free from Pesticides

Farm Location in Buhaira, Alexandria, Egypt


Before Calibrating

From Our Farm to our station to your Hand

""Valencia Slogan""

Introducing Input Process Quality Control (IPQC) Citrus Producer in Egypt

Refers to quality control in the input process of raw materials, production, and packaging.

IPQC for our Organic Oranges emphasizes two key points:

  1. Verification of the first product of a batch from the product line or a line that has switched products and establishment of product standard in the production department, and to be one of the top citrus producer in Egypt we,
  2. The inspection standards for Valencia in production shall be controlled based on the first sample, meaning that all of the products in the official production shall meet the requirements for the first sample of our oranges and that the raw materials shall be verified as correct before the production begins.

Valencia Orange

Citrus Producer in Egypt


From Our Farm to our station to your Hand

""Valencia Slogan""

And Finally our Outgoing Quality Assurance / OQA

We aim to export organic orange without high pesticide levels and in perfect condition to our existing customers and potential as well. and,

Also, we believe that maintaining high Quality is the key to forward business success and to making us one of the top citrus producers in Egypt.

Citrus Producer in Egypt

Valencia Orange

Citrus Producer in Egypt

Class 1 - Premium

TSCP Carton 15/16 kg

Brand Name ™ "GEO FARMS"



From Our Farm to our station to your Hand

""Valencia Slogan""

Recent Shipments of our Valencia Oranges

Exporting Egyptian Organic Orange has always been our passion and we got a long history of dealing with many importing countries such as Europe, Africa, and Gulf countries, and now will slide show our recent shipments and how we prepare our container loading.

Contact Us

WhatsApp: +201112456632

Email us: | |

Our Latest Posts:

Export Egyptian citrus

Export Egyptian citrus


Reasons to import GEO_FARMS Citrus!

Branding and Reputation ®

GEO EXPORTING considers a leading exporter in Egypt as we are linked with many supermarkets all around the world, beside that our Brand ® GEO FARMS are well known in Norway, Germany, Africa, and some GCC Countries. This reputation comes after 10 years of dedicated and hard work with a positive and responsive team.

Quality behind Branding

Always Quality comes first; we as a team of GEO Exporting dealing with registered farms to allow our branding grow up for export citrus worldwide with a continueally grow; such as obtained a GLOBAL GAAP, ISO 9001 certificate associated with FDA License to make sure we are connected and linked in a right way with our citrus importers worlwide.

Supermarkets and wholesalers

We strive hard to maintain our Quality products in order to get a reputed way which allows our customers for a sustainable relationship with them, besides giving the opportunity to our potential importers to trust in us and help them grow their citrus business.

Also, we maintain enough quantities of citrus to serve supermarkets orders at an accurate time and this all rely back on GEO exporting team who work sincerely with us.

Export Citrus to many Factories in Europe and Asia

We export citrus not only for resturants, supermatkets, and wholesalers but also for Juice factories who convert the fruit such Egyptian orange into a juice and this lead us into the difference between all citrus categories we export from Egypt.

Will shed light first on our foodie product such Navel Oranges or Navel orange which is Considered seedless and sometimes has a few seeds which is perfect for factories to convert it into juice but also we there is a nother competitive one which we consider it our Major citrus fruit and called "Valencia Oranges or Valencia Orange" which unlikely has few seeds counting from 3 up to 5 seeds with a max of 7 seeds inside; mostly we export it to germany, singapore, and finland. (Attached photo below for Orange in Binz 600 kg).

Export Egyptian citrus

We export citrus in Different variety


Previously, we discussed orange in two categories; Valencia orange and Navel orange.

Please be aware that Navel oranges are shipped with a maximum of 25 Days and not more, as they are quite sensitive, whereas Valencia oranges can be shipped in containers for more than 60 days without any defects.


Yummy and perfect for salad, Juice, and resturants, our Citrus lemon popular for two varieties, the first one "Adalia Lemon" and second one "Eureka Lemon" both are perfect egyptian citrus lemon you could import without hesitation as we are always in your back and help you drawing a satisfiction smile on your end customers.

We are dealing with related and reputed farms in behaira desert to maintane a high qualtity of Citrus lemon and citrus orange, so no need to worry if your order is 100 container or more during the citrus season.


Oh waw! our beautiful citrus fruit comes in shy red color covering the external shape of it, we found a a huge responsive and orders from our citrus importers on our grapefruit especially on "Star Ruby" variety.

We pack it on a 15kg TSCP Carton or 15kg Open-Top Carton and ship it inside a reefer container with a max weight of 24.96MT same as orange and lemon. (or as per customer request).

Export Egyptian citrus l Mandarins

Growing in Egypt with two different varieties; Honey Spanish Morkett and Fremont, both are good, juicy, and so tasty, besides they contain a high Brix.

Export Citrus Egyptian Lemon
Export Egyptian citrus

Order Now

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GEO exporting fresh Egyptian citrus comply with European international standards daily in the Egyptian market.

We would be glad to assist you if you could let us know when you are free.

WhatsApp: +201112456632

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Sales Team

By GEO`s Team l citrus export company, citrus export, citrus company, citrus exporter, export lemon, citrus Egypt, egyptian citrus, Citrus export company in Egypt, export grapefruit, biggest exporter citrus, Export Egyptian citrus, citrus exporters