Pommes de terre égyptiennes importées

Pommes de terre égyptiennes dans votre magasin de haute qualité.

Notre produit est toujours conforme aux exigences européennes.
Nous exportons des pommes de terre de nos fermes et de certains fournisseurs et nous nous assurons toujours que nos produits sont de la plus haute qualité afin de maintenir d'abord notre réputation et de satisfaire nos clients.
Nous avons exporté vers un certain nombre de pays européens, dont la Belgique, l'Angleterre, l'Allemagne et certains pays arabes.
Puisque nous offrons la qualité et des prix compétitifs, nous avons une clientèle qui est restée fidèle pendant plus d'une décennie.

dans nos fermes de pommes de terre, nous avons formé des ingénieurs agronomes qui possèdent une vaste expérience dans la manière d'obtenir la qualité et les tailles requises selon les demandes des clients.

Nous avons utilisé le « système d'irrigation par pivot » pour planter nos pommes de terre.

Comment la nouvelle technologie de la pomme de terre améliore-t-elle le rendement et la qualité ?

En plus de cultiver des pommes de terre, GEO FARMS utilise les technologies agricoles de précision (PAT).

Disposer de machines agricoles modernes nous aide à concentrer avec précision les engrais et nous donne de bons rendements à l'exportation.

L'équipe de travail a également été formée sur des équipements modernes afin de produire la plus haute productivité et la plus haute qualité de pommes de terre.


Nous plantons différentes variétés de pommes de terre telles que : Spunta, Diamant et Kara.


Maturation précoce, respectueuses de l'environnement, texture farineuse, sans décoloration après la cuisson, bon goût, saine, saveur douce, non nocive.

pommes de terre fraîches Egypte

Spécialisé dans l'exportation de pommes de terre égyptiennes partout dans le monde avec des normes de haute qualité pour vous faire importer maintenant

Spécifications et détails :

Variété: Spunta

Taille:  35mm up to 100 mm

Emballage: Sac de PP / Sac de propylène

poids : 5 , 10 , 20, 25, 1,250 KG 

Un conteneur de 40 pieds chargé jusqu'à 27 tonnes

Exportations par pays: Brut

Vous trouverez ci-dessous les 15 pays qui ont exporté la plus grande valeur en dollars de pommes de terre crues non transformées expédiées en 2021.

  1. Netherlands: US$821.2 million (19% of pommes de terre crues exportées)
  2. France: $666.1 million (15.4%)
  3. Germany: $382.5 million (8.9%)
  4. Canada: $292.4 million (6.8%)
  5. United States: $275.9 million (6.4%)
  6. Egypt: $200.2 million (4.6%)
  7. China: $196.4 million (4.5%)
  8. Belgium: $181.5 million (4.2%)
  9. United Kingdom: $143.1 million (3.3%)
  10. Spain: $132.4 million (3.1%)
  11. Pakistan: $112.8 million (2.6%)
  12. Israel: $79.8 million (1.8%)
  13. India: $70.9 million (1.6%)
  14. Belarus: $67.7 million (1.6%)
  15. Denmark: $58.7 million (1.4%)

Source de worldstopexports

Plus d'informations sur à partir de healthline

Les légumes-racines comme les pommes de terre sont polyvalents et constituent un aliment de base dans de nombreux ménages.

Ce sont des tubercules souterrains qui poussent sur les racines de la plante Solanum tuberosum(1 Source fiable).

WhatsApp: +201112456632

Egyptian potatoes imported

Egyptian Potatoes

Why import Egyptian Potatoes?

Always complies with European requirements.
We export Egyptian Potatoes from our farms and from some suppliers and always make sure that our products are of the highest quality in order to maintain our reputation first and in order to satisfy our customers.
We have exported to a number of European countries including Belgium, England, Germany, and some Arab countries as well.
Since we offer quality and competitive prices, we have a customer base that has remained loyal for more than a decade.

How does new potato technology improve yield and quality?

In addition to growing potatoes, GEO FARMS uses precision agricultural technologies (PAT).

Having modern agricultural machinery helps us to precisely concentrate fertilizers and gives us good export returns.

The working team was also trained on modern equipment in order to produce the highest productivity and quality of potatoes.


We plant different varieties of potatoes such as: Spunta, Diamant and Kara.


Early ripening, environmentally friendly, floury texture, no discoloration after cooking, good taste, healthy, mild flavor, non-harmful.

Specifications and details :

Varieties:Spunta, Diamant and Kara
Calibre/ Size:From 35 up to 100 mm
Packing:PP Bag / Propylene bag
Weight: 5, 10, 20, 25, 1,250 KG 
Capacity:One Container 40 ft loaded up to 29 Ton

Exports by Country: Potatoes

Below are the 15 countries that exported the highest dollar value worth of unprocessed raw potato shipped during 2021.

  1. Netherlands: US$821.2 million
  2. France: $666.1 million (15.4%)
  3. Germany: $382.5 million (8.9%)
  4. Canada: $292.4 million (6.8%)
  5. United States: $275.9 million (6.4%)
  6. Egypt: $200.2 million (4.6%)
  7. China: $196.4 million (4.5%)
  8. Belgium: $181.5 million (4.2%)
  9. United Kingdom: $143.1 million (3.3%)
  10. Spain: $132.4 million (3.1%)
  11. Pakistan: $112.8 million (2.6%)
  12. Israel: $79.8 million (1.8%)
  13. India: $70.9 million (1.6%)
  14. Belarus: $67.7 million (1.6%)
  15. Denmark: $58.7 million (1.4%)

Source from worldstopexports

More information about from healthline

Besides starch, potatoes also contain vitamins, minerals, and fiber. In early times, potato was a life-saving food source because vitamin C prevented scurvy because it's rich in vitamin C.

Root vegetables like potato are versatile and a staple food in many households.

They are an underground tuber that grows on the roots of the Solanum tuberosum plant (1Trusted Source).

WhatsApp: +201112456632

Egyptian pomegranates export to all markets

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By GEO`s team / GEO Exporting / Export pomegranate from Egypt / Pomegranate Fruit wholesale Supplier / Export Pomegranate To Europe from Egypt / Egyptian Fresh Fruit for Export/ import Egyptian pomegranate / Egyptian Pomegranates Supplier / Exporters of Pomegranate from Egypt - Global Suppliers Online / Fresh Egyptian Pomegranate / Global GAP certified Egyptian fresh fruits export by GEO / High-quality Egyptian Pomegranate / Egyptian pomegranates rush for Europe / List of Pomegranate companies in Egypt / Egyptian Pomegranate Suppliers / Pomegranates Egypt Europages / fresh fruits /pomegranate export to Oman

Export pomegranate from Egypt

Introduction to Egyptian Pomegranates:

GEO Exporting is a leading company in the field of Exporting Fresh Fruits and vegetables from Egypt.

It mainly exports fresh fruits like Citrus, Egyptian Pomegranates, Grapes, and strawberries…and fresh vegetables like Onion, Garlic, Potatoes, Tomatoes, and Capsicum.

Here are 4 main reasons to export pomegranates from us!

This section focuses on everything related to the export of pomegranates by our company.

1- An export season for pomegranates produces approximately 280 metric tons

Our company is constantly proud to boast the best price and quality of onion containers in Egypt, making us one of the top onion exporting companies.

We maintain a stock of high-quality Egyptian pomegranates of various sizes, which allows us to supply the highest quality onions to all of our customers at any time.

We will review the size of the export season for the year 2020 by GEO Exporting Company

MarketThe volume of Exported pomegranates in MT
Netherlands85 MT
Germany51 MT
United Kingdom51 MT
Oman68 MT
Sudan17 MT
"5" Markets272 MT
The volume of the export season for the year 2020

2- We specialize in exporting the Highest quality Egyptian pomegranates

We follow up the pomegranate product, from selecting the seeds to taking into account the crop periodically, to sorting and packing it at the best time to ensure the highest standard of quality and safety. This leads to Egyptian pomegranates export that meets the highest standard.  

We will review some pictures about the size and quality of the pomegranate

Egyptian Pomegranates for Export

Egyptian pomegranate Weight of one carton

Netherlands ("3" 40ft Container, 51 MT-2020)

Estimated weight (150-500 gm) per/piece

3- The packaging of Egyptian pomegranates before export

For the highest quality of products, we adhere to international packaging standards.

We usually have several types of packaging depending on the specifications of our clients, and we will illustrate briefly what each type offers for our Egyptian Pomegranates.

Carton Packaging with a count plastic material inside it

Egyptian pomegranate Weight of one carton

Netherlands ("3" 40ft Container, 51 MT-2020)

Estimated weight (150-500 gm) per/piece

4- Loading containers

Export Fruits

GEO exports high-quality pomegranate according to European standards and is ISO 9001 certified along with the ISO/IAS quality system.

The company exports its own products which result in a high standard and best price for its clients-Egyptian Pomegranates.

In 2021, we introduced our new brand "GEO FARMS" that contains all fruit we grow and produce on our land fresh and frozen.

Why choose GEO Exporting as your exporting company From Egypt?

Quality control starts when we grow the fruits and ends when we deliver them to our customers, Our team continually checks the quality of our export fruit, which is why you consider us as your exporter in Egypt. Additionally, we strictly follow the European specifications in order to ensure that our products are reliable.

When it comes to bulk deals, we have a sustainable network of farms and suppliers to make sure that our products are of a high standard.

Our products have also been exported to countries such as Belgium, Germany, Netherlands, UK, and even some in Africa.

We Export Fruits and we can provide The required Quantities of the Highest-Quality as we have been working In the export Market Since 2012 And We Have Enough Experience In That.

In Addition To Our Own Farms, We Use Our Suppliers In Case Of Bulk Quantities.

The Best Prices In The Market While Maintaining The Quality Are Always What We Provide.

Some information about our exported pomegranate


Specifications and details:

Pomegranates types116, Wonderful –  Baladi
Packing: 5kg in a Standard open top-Carton.
Container load:The 40th ft container takes 17 MT with 20 pallets or 21 pallets as requested by the customer.
Container Capacity:Takes 3400 Carton

Every day, we strive to bring you the best pomegranate quality today and into the future.

GEO exporting for export fresh Egyptian pomegranates complies with European international standards on a daily basis in the Egyptian market.

We would be glad to assist you if you could let us know when you are free.

Our Contact Details:



Cell and WhatsApp: +201112456632 / +201123252720

General inquires:


Sales Team
