GEO Exporting Posts

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Egyptian Sweet Potato

Egyptian Sweet Potato or sweetpotato (Ipomoea batatas) is a dicotyledonous plant that belongs to the bindweed or morning glory family, Convolvulaceae.

Quality Control - Egyptian Sweet Potato Producer

Introducing Incoming Quality Control (IQC)

A key focus of GEO EXPORTING at this stage is harvesting sweet potatoes (Root vegetables) according to new harvesting methods to minimize scratches on the sweet potato surface. Our team also inspects incoming sweet potatoes to ensure that they meet the specifications of our clients and are the right size.


Planting Organic Varieties such as:

Beauregard / Bellevue Patata


Sweet potatoes are a large starchy sweet tasting tuberous root vegetable that is gaining increasing popularity as a potato substitute and is also widely used in various culinary cuisines.

Free from Pesticides

Farm Location in Cairo, Egypt


Before Harvest from our Farm

Supply ability up to 9,500 MT

Introducing Input Process Quality Control (IPQC) Egyptian Sweet Potato

Refers to quality control in the input process of raw materials, production, and packaging.

We do the same with all our vegetables such as Red Onion, Golden onion, Garlic, carrots, and Potatoes.

IPQC for our Organic Sweet Potato emphasizes (2) Cleaning Methods:

  1. Unwashed Potatoes
  2. Washed Potatoes

Unwashed Potatoes

We use Dry Cleaning without curing It is done sometimes for customers who want to do
washing and curing in his country, especially for nearby places transit less than 12 days Expected
permitted damage rate from 10 %.

Washed Potatoes

Washing Egyptian Sweet potato by GEO FARMS

Washed through (cleaning +curing) to save potatoes long a shelf life higher than 60 days through 5 Steps:

  1. Washing our Egyptian Sweet Potato.
  2. Cut the front part and the back part that carries the bacteria and sorting.
  3. 4/7 day at Curing room to close any injury or any cut.
  4. After that, we do the sorting process.
  5. Sizing process.

Beauregard Cleaning step

Sweet potato Producer


From Our Farm to our station to your Hand

""GEO Slogan""

And Finally our Outgoing Quality Assurance / OQA

We aim to export organic Sweet Potatoes without high pesticide levels and in perfect condition to our existing customers and potential as well. and,

Also, we believe that maintaining high Quality is the key to forward business success and to making us one of the top Egyptian Sweet Potato producers.

Bellevue Variety Export to Europe

Egyptian sweet potato Producer

Class 1 - Premium

6KG Open-Top Carton

From Our Farm to our station to your Hand

""GEO Slogan""

WhatsApp: +201112456632 I Email:

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Egyptian Lemon Producer

Egyptian Lemon Producer

Quality Control - Egyptian Lemon Producer

Introducing Incoming Quality Control (IQC)

GEO EXPORTING at this stage focuses on the inspection of incoming Lemon with regard to quality, Client Requirements, and calibrations.

Lemon Producer in Egypt

Adalia Lemon EUREKA (A) Variety Specifications:

Citrus limon / Lemon / Citron


Juicy classic, bright yellow skin with yellow flesh, thick, white pith, and contains few seeds

Free from Pesticides

Farm Location in Rashid, Egypt


Before Harvest from our Farm

Supply ability up to 5,000 MT

Introducing Input Process Quality Control (IPQC) Egyptian Lemon Producer

Refers to quality control in the input process of raw materials, production, and packaging.

We do the same with all our citrus such as Navel Oranges, Valencia Oranges, Mandarins, and Grapefruit.

and all our vegetables such as Golden Onion, Red Onion, Golden onion, Garlic, Sweet Potatoes, carrots, and Potatoes.
Watch our Adalia Lemon washing process

IPQC for our Organic Lemon emphasizes two key points:

  1. Verification of the first product of a batch from the product line or a line that has switched products and establishment of product standard in the production department, and to be one of the top citrus producers in Egypt.
  2. The inspection standards for Fresh Adalia Lemon in production shall be controlled based on the first sample, meaning that all of the products in the official production shall meet the requirements for the first sample of our Fresh Lemon and that the raw materials shall be verified as correct before the production begins.
Adalia Lemon

Fresh Adalia Lemon / EUREKA (A) Grade

Is one of our best crops and the most demanded

The fruit has a medium-thick, firm rind and skin, with very tart juice and a fragrant, oily peel.

Egyptian Lemon Producer


From Our Farm to our station to your Hand

""GEO Slogan""

And Finally our Outgoing Quality Assurance / OQA

We aim to export organic lemon without high pesticide levels and in perfect condition to our existing customers and potential as well. and,

Also, we believe that maintaining high Quality is the key to forward business success and to making us one of the top Egyptian Lemon producers.

GEO FARMS Brand From Egypt

Adalia Lemon

Egyptian Lemon Producer

Grade A - Premium

TSCP Carton 15/16 kg

Brand Name ™ "GEO FARMS"



From Our Farm to our station to your Hand

""GEO Slogan""

Recent Shipments of our Lemon

Exporting Egyptian Organic Lemon has always been our passion and we have a long history of dealing with many importing countries such as Europe, Africa, and Gulf countries, and now will slide show our recent shipments and how we prepare our container loading.


WhatsApp: +201112456632 I Email:

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Oignons dorés égyptiens

Oignons dorés égyptiens

Projecteur d'oignons dorés égyptiens

Les oignons dorés varient en taille de moyen à gros et sont les oignons de cuisine les plus courants car ils ajoutent une excellente saveur à de nombreux ragoûts, soupes et plats de viande.

Chez GEO EXPORTING, nous utilisons notre contrôle qualité et notre assurance qualité afin d'exporter des produits représentant l'EGYPTE et notre nom réputé.

Les oignons dorés égyptiens ont une peau papyracée jaune-brun à l'extérieur et une chair blanche.
Oignons dorés


  • La qualité du produit est très importante pour nous, c'est pourquoi nous produisons nos oignons dorés égyptiensrouges et dorés dans des fermes biologiques pour répondre aux normes européennes.
  • Pour ce faire, GEO EXPORTING transplante ou place les plants en rangs espacés de 12 à 18 pouces à une profondeur de 1 à 2 pouces. nos graines d'oignon ont été plantées à une profondeur de 1/4 de pouce et éclaircies à 2 pouces d'intervalle. et nous fertilisons à nouveau vers la mi-saison et continuons à arroser jusqu'à ce que les bulbes commencent à mûrir.
  • De plus, nous préférons planter des ensembles d'oignons plutôt que de les démarrer à partir de graines, simplement parce que les ensembles s'établissent rapidement et sont plus faciles à planter.

À propos de notre calibre

Lorsque vous décidez d'importer des légumes tels que des oignons dorés égyptiens d'Egypte via GEO EXPORTING, vous devez savoir que nos calibrages d'oignon varient de 35 mm à 100 mm et nous donnons des exemples de calibrages comme suit :

Oignons dorés d'un diamètre de 70 mm

Oignons dorés égyptiens

70 mm d'oignons dorés égyptiens

Classe 1

Produit égyptien

Longue durée de vie

et peut être emballé dans n'importe quel type d'emballage requis.

Oignons dorés d'un diamètre de 55 mm

golden onions from egypt

55 mm d'oignons

Classe 1

Produit égyptien

Longue durée de vie

et peut être emballé dans n'importe quel type d'emballage requis.

Oignons dorés égyptiens d'un diamètre d'environ 80 mm

top onions producers in egypt

Près de 80 mm oignons dorés égyptiens

Classe 1

Produit égyptien

Longue durée de vie

et peut être emballé dans n'importe quel type d'emballage requis.

Livraisons récentes d'oignons égyptiens

L'exportation d'oignons égyptiens a toujours été notre passion et nous avons une longue histoire de relations avec de nombreux pays importateurs tels que l'Europe, l'Afrique et les pays du Golfe. Nous allons maintenant présenter nos expéditions récentes et la manière dont nous préparons le chargement de nos conteneurs.


WhatsApp: +201112456632 I Email:

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Citrus Producer in Egypt

Citrus Producer in Egypt

Quality Control - Citrus Producer in Egypt

Introducing Incoming Quality Control (IQC)

GEO EXPORTING at this stage focuses on the inspection of incoming oranges with regard to quality and calibrations.

GEO Exporting for Oranges

Video instructed here

Valencia Orange

Before harvest Day

Free from Pesticides

Farm Location in Buhaira, Alexandria, Egypt


Before Calibrating

From Our Farm to our station to your Hand

""Valencia Slogan""

Introducing Input Process Quality Control (IPQC) Citrus Producer in Egypt

Refers to quality control in the input process of raw materials, production, and packaging.

IPQC for our Organic Oranges emphasizes two key points:

  1. Verification of the first product of a batch from the product line or a line that has switched products and establishment of product standard in the production department, and to be one of the top citrus producer in Egypt we,
  2. The inspection standards for Valencia in production shall be controlled based on the first sample, meaning that all of the products in the official production shall meet the requirements for the first sample of our oranges and that the raw materials shall be verified as correct before the production begins.

Valencia Orange

Citrus Producer in Egypt


From Our Farm to our station to your Hand

""Valencia Slogan""

And Finally our Outgoing Quality Assurance / OQA

We aim to export organic orange without high pesticide levels and in perfect condition to our existing customers and potential as well. and,

Also, we believe that maintaining high Quality is the key to forward business success and to making us one of the top citrus producers in Egypt.

Citrus Producer in Egypt

Valencia Orange

Citrus Producer in Egypt

Class 1 - Premium

TSCP Carton 15/16 kg

Brand Name ™ "GEO FARMS"



From Our Farm to our station to your Hand

""Valencia Slogan""

Recent Shipments of our Valencia Oranges

Exporting Egyptian Organic Orange has always been our passion and we got a long history of dealing with many importing countries such as Europe, Africa, and Gulf countries, and now will slide show our recent shipments and how we prepare our container loading.


WhatsApp: +201112456632 I Email:

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Spunta Potatoes producer from Egypt

Spunta Potatoes producer from Egypt

Spunta Potatoes producer from Egypt Spot Light

Production advice ware potatoes TRADITIONAL FRESH

Pre-treatment and planting - GEO FARMS

De-sprouting will increase the risk of little potato disorder.
A timely heat shock is desirable to get enough sprouts per tuber.
Sprouts should be well hardened to avoid them breaking off.
SPUNTA reacts well to the cutting of seed. Recommended only with seed size above 50mm.
The optimum result is from 3-4 weeks prior to planting.
SPUNTA can be grown on specific soil types.
On heavy soils, a good structure is needed to avoid misshapen tubers.
SPUNTA can be planted early but avoid planting in cold conditions.

Spunta Potatoes

Storage for SPUNTA potatoes producer in Egypt

SPUNTA is suitable for long-term storage. Furthermore, SPUNTA is quite sensitive to Fusarium, so good curing is essential. Additionally, GEO EXPORTING Potatoes are very strong enough for 40+ days in the sea with a Guarantee after Arrival

Pomme de Terre Egypte

After Arrival Quality - 45 Days in Ocean

How we maintain Spunta Quality

  • Fertilizer
  • Adapt fertilization to soil analysis.
  • Always refer to the local and current rules about
  • crop fertilization.
  • The split application can prevent excessive initial foliage
  • growth.
  • Nitrogen (N): Very high inputs (>250Kg N/Ha
  • inclusive of soil supply)
  • Potassium and phosphate fertilization as standard
  • advice.
  • Organic fertilizer has a positive effect on yield.
  • SPUNTA Potatoes are susceptible to magnesium deficiency and,
  • therefore fertilize with trace elements.

About our Caliber

When you decide to import vegetables such as Egyptian Spunta Potatoes from Egypt thru GEO EXPORTING, you should know that our Spunta Potatoes calibrations vary from 45 mm up to 100 mm and we are giving examples for calibrations as follows:

Spunta Potatoes with a diameter of 55 mm approx


55 mm of Spunta Potatoes

Class 1

Egyptian Product

Long Shelf Life

and can be packed in any required packaging type.

Spunta Potatoes with a diameter of 70 mm approx


70 mm of Spunta Potatoes

Class 1

Egyptian Product

Long Shelf Life

and can be packed in any required packaging type.

Spunta Potatoes with a diameter of 60 mm approx

60 mm of Egyptian Spunta

Class 1

Egyptian Product

Long Shelf Life

and can be packed in any required packaging type.

Recent Shipments of Spunta Potatoes Producer in Egypt

Exporting Egyptian Potatoes has always been our passion and we have a long history of dealing with many importing countries such as Europe, Africa, and Gulf countries, and now will slide show our recent shipments and how we prepare our container loading.


WhatsApp: +201112456632


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Oignons rouges égyptiens

Oignons rouges égyptiens

Spot Oignons rouges égyptiens

Les oignons rouges varient en taille de moyen à gros et sont les oignons de cuisson les plus courants car ils ajoutent une excellente saveur à de nombreux ragoûts, soupes et plats de viande.

Chez GEO EXPORTING, nous utilisons notre contrôle qualité et notre assurance qualité afin d'exporter des produits représentant l'EGYPTE et notre nom réputé.

Les oignons rouges égyptiens ont une peau rouge violacé et une chair blanche teintée de rouge.

Oignons rouges


  • La qualité du produit est très importante pour nous, c'est pourquoi nous produisons nos oignons rouges et oignons dorés dans des fermes biologiques pour répondre aux normes européennes.
  • Pour ce faire, GEO EXPORTING transplante ou place les plants en rangs espacés de 12 à 18 pouces à une profondeur de 1 à 2 pouces. nos graines d'oignon ont été plantées à une profondeur de 1/4 de pouce et éclaircies à 2 pouces d'intervalle. et nous fertilisons à nouveau vers la mi-saison et continuons à arroser jusqu'à ce que les bulbes commencent à mûrir.
  • De plus, nous préférons planter nos ensembles d'oignons rouges plutôt que de les démarrer à partir de graines, simplement parce que les ensembles s'établissent rapidement et sont plus faciles à planter.

À propos de notre calibre

Lorsque vous décidez d'importer des légumes tels que des oignons rouges égyptiens d'Egypte via GEO EXPORTING, vous devez savoir que nos calibrages d'oignon varient de 35 mm à 100 mm et nous donnons des exemples de calibrages comme suit :

Oignons rouges d'un diamètre de 50 mm

Egyptian Red Onions

50 mm d'oignons rouges égyptiens

Classe 1

Produit égyptien

Longue durée de vie

et peut être emballé dans n'importe quel type d'emballage requis.

Oignons d'un diamètre de 45 mm

Egyptian Red Onions

45 mm d'oignons rouges égyptiens

Classe 1

Produit égyptien

Longue durée de vie

et peut être emballé dans n'importe quel type d'emballage requis.

Oignons d'un diamètre de 65 mm

Egyptian Red Onions

65 mm of Red Onions

Classe 1

Produit égyptien

Longue durée de vie

et peut être emballé dans n'importe quel type d'emballage requis.

Livraisons récentes d'oignons égyptiens

L'exportation d'oignons égyptiens a toujours été notre passion et nous avons une longue histoire de relations avec de nombreux pays importateurs tels que l'Europe, l'Afrique et les pays du Golfe. Nous allons maintenant présenter nos expéditions récentes et la manière dont nous préparons le chargement de nos conteneurs.

Egyptian Red Onions


WhatsApp: +201112456632


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Egyptian red onions

Egyptian red onions

Egyptian red Onions Spot Light

Red Onions vary in size from medium to large and are the most common cooking onion because they add excellent flavor to many stews, soups, and meat dishes.

We at GEO EXPORTING use our Quality Control and our Quality Assurance in order to export products representing EGYPT and our reputed name.

Egyptian Red onions have purplish-red skin and white flesh tinged with red.


  • The quality of the product is very important to us, so that is why we produce our Red onions and Golden Onions on organic farms to meet European standards.
  • In order to achieve this, GEO EXPORTING transplants or sets plants in rows that are between 12 and 18 inches apart at a depth of 1 to 2 inches. our onion Seeds were planted at a depth of 1/4 inch and thinned to 2 inches apart. and we do Fertilize again about midseason and keep watered until bulbs start to mature.
  • Additionally, we prefer planting our red onion sets over starting them from seeds, simply because the sets establish quickly and are easier to plant.

About our Caliber

When you decide to import vegetables such as Egyptian Red onions from Egypt thru GEO EXPORTING, you should know that our onion calibrations vary from 35 mm up to 100 mm and we are giving examples for calibrations as follows:

Red Onions with a diameter of 50 mm

Egyptian Red Onions

50 mm of Egyptian Red onions

Class 1

Egyptian Product

Long Shelf Life

and can be packed in any required packaging type.

Onions with a diameter of 45 mm

Egyptian Red Onions

45 mm of Egyptian Red Onions

Class 1

Egyptian Product

Long Shelf Life

and can be packed in any required packaging type.

Onions with a diameter of 65 mm

Egyptian Red Onions

65 mm of Red Onions

Class 1

Egyptian Product

Long Shelf Life

and can be packed in any required packaging type.

Recent Shipments of Egyptian Onions

Exporting Egyptian onions has always been our passion and we have a long history of dealing with many importing countries such as Europe, Africa, and Gulf countries, and now will slide show our recent shipments and how we prepare our container loading.

Egyptian Red Onions


WhatsApp: +201112456632


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Egyptian golden onions

Egyptian golden onions

Egyptian Golden Onions Spot Light

Golden Onions vary in size from medium to large and are the most common cooking onion because it adds excellent flavor to many stews, soups, and meat dishes.

We at GEO EXPORTING use our Quality Control and our Quality Assurance in order to export products representing EGYPT and our reputed name.

Egyptian golden onions have a yellow-brown papery skin on the outside and white flesh.

Golden Onions


  • Quality of the product is very important to us, so that is why we produce our Red and Golden Onions on organic farms to meet European standards.
  • In order to achieve this, GEO EXPORTING transplants or sets plants in rows that are between 12 and 18 inches apart at a depth of 1 to 2 inches. our onion Seeds were planted at a depth of 1/4 inch and thinned to 2 inches apart. and we do Fertilize again about midseason and keep watered until bulbs start to mature.
  • Additionally, we prefer planting onion sets over starting them from seeds, simply because the sets establish quickly and are easier to plant.

About our Caliber

When you decide to import vegetables such as Egyptian golden onions from Egypt thru GEO EXPORTING, you should know that our onion calibrations vary from 35 mm up to 100 mm and we are giving examples for calibrations as follows:

Golden Onions with a diameter of 70 mm

Import Egyptian golden onions

70 mm of Egyptian golden onions

Class 1

Egyptian Product

Long Shelf Life

and can be packed in any required packaging type.

Onions with a diameter of 55 mm

golden onions from egypt

55 mm of Egyptian Golden Onions

Class 1

Egyptian Product

Long Shelf Life

and can be packed in any required packaging type.

Onions with a diameter of 80 mm approx

top onions producers in egypt

Almost 80 mm of Golden Onions

Class 1

Egyptian Product

Long Shelf Life

and can be packed in any required packaging type.

Recent Shipments of Egyptian Onions

Exporting Egyptian onions has always been our passion and we got a long history of dealing with many importing countries such as Europe, Africa, and Gulf countries, and now will slide show our recent shipments and how we prepare our container loading.


WhatsApp: +201112456632


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Egyptian Orange Valencia

Egyptian Orange Valencia

Valencia Orange Spot Light

Valencia oranges vary in size from medium to large, with a diameter ranging from 7-10 centimeters. There are many prominent oil glands around the rind that contain volatile essential oils that give the fruit a golden orange color and a rough, leathery feel. There is a white, spongy pith underneath the rind that clings tightly to the flesh, making it somewhat difficult for the fruit to be peeled off the skin. In addition to being yellow-orange in color, the flesh is extremely juicy and contains 1-6 cream-colored seeds. The segments are divided into 10-12 by thin membranes. Despite being fully ripe, a Valencia orange may sometimes undergo a regreening process, where it reabsorbs chlorophyll, giving it a green hue. Valencia oranges are sweet-tart when ripe, and regreening does not affect the taste.


  • Size 56

Orange Valencia is available in a variety of sizes, such as 56. This means that there are 56 orange pieces in every 15kg Telescopic Carton. Therefore, the size would be the same as the carton count.

When you order size 56 of Egyptian orange, you are checking the diameter from 81-84mm.

Egyptian Orange Valencia
  • Size 64

Among the sizes available is 64. Accordingly, there are 64 orange pieces in every 15kg Telescopic Carton. Therefore, the size would be the same as the carton count.

When you order size 64, you are checking the diameter from 78-81mm.

Egyptian Orange Valencia
  • Size 72

Among the sizes available is 72. Accordingly, there are 72 orange pieces in every 15kg Telescopic Carton. Therefore, the size would be the same as the carton count.

When you order size 72, you are checking the diameter from 75-78mm.

Citrus orange from GEO FARMS
  • Size 80

Among the sizes available is 80 Egyptian orange valencia. Accordingly, there are 80 orange pieces in every 15kg Telescopic Carton. Therefore, the size would be the same as the carton count.

When you order size 80, you are checking the diameter from 71-75mm.

tope egyptian orange exporter
  • Size 88

Among the sizes available is 88. Accordingly, there are 88 orange pieces in every 15kg Telescopic Carton. Therefore, the size would be the same as the carton count.

When you order size 88 of Valencia, you are checking the diameter from 69-71mm.

Import Egyptian oranges
  • Size 100

Among the sizes available for Valencia is 100. Accordingly, there are 100 orange pieces in every 15kg Telescopic Carton. Therefore, the size would be the same as the carton count.

When you order size 100 of Egyptian Orange Valencia, you are checking the diameter from 68-70mm.

Import Egyptian Orange Valencia


WhatsApp: +201112456632


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Egyptian Navel Orange

Egyptian Navel Orange


Egyptian Navel orange
Quality of Citrus navel orange

We ensure that our navel orange provides a high-quality citrus product (Class A) with no distortions to our customers.

This variety of Orange has a pebbled and smooth skin that clings to the pulp.

Sizing / Count for Egyptian navel Orange

Import Egyptian Navel orange
GEO Farms Brand for citrus orange in Egypt

The sizing/Counts mean that; in each carton, you will get the exact number of fruit by Using an automatic sizer which helps us to sort out the different sizes as per customer request to reach 100% customer satisfaction.

For Navel Orange, we have various sizes available 36/48/56/64/72/80/88/100/113.

Packaging for Egyptian Navel Orange

We use high-quality carton materials for reefer shipments as the packaging is very important for the shipment. The carton can withstand 650 kg and stay strong for more than 90 Days.

Always have enough carton stock to ensure the availability around the Egyptian navel orange season with various packaging types such as;

15kg Net weight Telescopic carton

A full set of 40ft reefer containers takes 1,664 cartons of Egyptian navel oranges on 21 pallets same as the following image.

Brix and Juice

Our Navel orange is known for its high Brix which reaches 11 -13% of honey juice, also it is known as a table citrus orange.


  • HS Code: 080510.
  • Variety: Egyptian Navel Orange; Egg Shape.
  • Navels Acid levels: 0.9
  • Navels Brix levels:  between  12.5  & 14.5
  • Sizes: 36/40/42/48/56/64/72/80/88/100/113
  • package: 15 KG N.W.-16 KG G.W. Standard carton.
    15 Kg Open Top Carton.
    8 Kg Carton.
  • Availability: December until the End of February
  • Shipping: Reefer Container 40ft
No. of Pallets20 Standard + 1 Euro pallet
Carton Dimentions30 cm X 40 cm X 26.5 cm
No. of Cartons per Base in pallet10
No. of Cartons per Column in pallet8
No. of Cartons per Standard Pallets80
No. of Cartons per Euro Pallets64
Total Cartons in 40ft Reefer container1,664 CTNs
Carton Net Weight15 KG
Carton Gross Weight16 KG

Note that, Calculations of pallet height are based on the container's internal red line height (235 CM).

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