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Morcovi de Calitate Superioară din Egipt pentru Piața Românească

Morcovi premium din Egipt

Dacă căutați un furnizor de încredere pentru morcovi de calitate superioară, GEO EXPORTING este alegerea perfectă. Suntem un exportator de top din Egipt, cunoscut pentru produsele noastre de înaltă calitate și prețuri competitive. În acest articol, vă vom prezenta de ce morcovii noștri sunt ideali pentru piața românească și cum putem satisface nevoile dumneavoastră cu produse de excepție.

Egyptian Hydro-Cooled & Polished Carrots

De ce Să Alegeți Morcovii Noștri?

La GEO EXPORTING, ne mândrim cu oferirea de morcovi premium din Egipt care îndeplinesc cele mai înalte standarde internaționale. Iată ce ne diferențiază de alți exportatori:

  1. Calitate Superioară: Morcovii noștri sunt cultivați și procesați sub cea mai strictă supraveghere, asigurându-ne că fiecare produs îndeplinește cerințele piaței europene.
  2. Prețuri Competitive: Oferim prețuri excelente pe tonă, făcându-ne un partener ideal pentru importatorii din România.
  3. Dimensiuni Perfecte: Știm că piața românească necesită morcovi cu diametrul între 2-4 cm (dimensiune medie), iar noi ne specializăm în această dimensiune.
  4. Ambalaje Flexibile: Oferim ambalaje de 10 kg, atât branduite, cât și nebranduite, pentru a se potrivi nevoilor dumneavoastră.
  5. Reputație Solidă: Suntem deja bine cunoscuți pe piața europeană, iar clienții noștri ne apreciază pentru calitatea consistentă și livrările punctuale.
Top Carrots Exporter in Egypt

Procesul de Cultivare și Export al Morcovilor Noștri

Morcovii noștri sunt rezultatul unui proces meticulos, care începe în câmpurile fertile din Egipt și se încheie pe mesele consumatorilor din întreaga Europă. Iată cum asigurăm calitatea și prospețimea produselor noastre:

1. Cultivare Atentă

Morcovii noștri sunt cultivați în condiții optime, cu soluri fertile și climat favorabil. Agricultorii noștri experimentați monitorizează îndeaproape creșterea culturilor pentru a asigura o recoltă de înaltă calitate.

2. Seleccionare Riguroasă

După recoltare, morcovii sunt seleccionați manual pentru a asigura că doar cele mai bune produse ajung la clienții noștri. Ne concentrăm pe dimensiunea medie (2-4 cm), care este cea mai solicitată pe piața românească.

3. Procesare și Ambalare

Morcovii sunt curățați, sortați și ambalați în saci de 10 kg, disponibili atât în versiuni branduite, cât și nebranduite. Ambalajele noastre sunt proiectate pentru a menține prospețimea și calitatea produselor pe tot parcursul transportului.

4. Export Eficient

Avem o rețea bine stabilită de logistică, care ne permite să livrăm morcovii noștri în timp util și în condiții optime. Suntem de încredere pentru exporturile noastre către porturile europene, inclusiv cele din România.

Cum Se Potrivesc Morcovii Noștri Nevoilor Pieței Românești?

Piața românească are cerințe specifice pentru morcovi, iar noi suntem pregătiți să le îndeplinim:

  • Dimensiune Medie (2-4 cm): Morcovii noștri sunt cultivați special pentru a se încadra în această dimensiune, care este cea mai populară în România.
  • Ambalaje Flexibile: Oferim saci de 10 kg, atât branduite, cât și nebranduite, pentru a se potrivi nevoilor dumneavoastră comerciale.
  • Calitate Consistentă: Fiecare lot de morcovi este verificat pentru a asigura că îndeplinește cele mai înalte standarde de calitate.
  • Prețuri Competitive: Oferim prețuri excelente pe tonă, făcându-ne un partener ideal pentru importatorii români.

De ce Să Ne Alegeți pe Noi?

  1. Experiență și Expertiză: Cu ani de experiență în exportul de morcovi, știm cum să satisfacem nevoile clienților noștri.
  2. Calitate Garantată: Morcovii noștri sunt cultivați și procesați sub cea mai strictă supraveghere, asigurându-ne că fiecare produs îndeplinește standardele europene.
  3. Livrări Punctuale: Avem o rețea de logistică eficientă, care ne permite să livrăm produsele noastre în timp util și în condiții optime.
  4. Prețuri Competitive: Oferim prețuri excelente pe tonă, făcându-ne un partener ideal pentru importatorii din România.

Cum Ne Puteți Contacta?

Dacă sunteți interesat să importați morcovi de calitate superioară din Egipt, GEO EXPORTING este partenerul dumneavoastru de încredere. Oferim produse de top, prețuri competitive și servicii personalizate pentru a vă satisface nevoile.

📞 WhatsApp: +201112456632

Contactați-ne astăzi pentru a discuta cum putem colabora și pentru a primi o ofertă personalizată!

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Hydro-Cooled Carrots: Fresh, Polished, and Ready for European Markets

When it comes to supplying the freshest, highest-quality carrots to European markets, GEO EXPORTING is a name synonymous with trust, quality, and innovation. Our Hydro-Cooled Polished Carrots are more than just a product-they are the result of years of expertise, advanced farming techniques, and a commitment to excellence. Therefore, From the moment they are planted to the time they reach your table, every step of our process is designed to deliver a product that exceeds expectations.


Why Choose GEO EXPORTING`s Hydro-Cooled Polished Carrots?

At GEO EXPORTING, we understand that quality is not just a goal—it’s a promise. Here’s what sets our Hydro-Cooled Polished Carrots apart:

  1. GlobalG.A.P Certification: We adhere to the highest global standards for sustainable farming, ensuring traceability and transparency throughout the supply chain.
  2. Advanced Hydro-Cooling Technology: Our carrots undergo a rapid hydro-cooling process immediately after harvest, locking in freshness and preserving their crisp texture and nutritional value.
  3. Perfectly Polished: Each carrot is carefully polished to remove dirt and imperfections, giving it a clean, market-ready appearance.
  4. Strict Spray Program: Our agriculture engineers follow a meticulously designed carrot spray program, ensuring compliance with European Maximum Residue Limits (MRL) regulations.
  5. Seamless Export Process: Our efficient logistics network ensures timely delivery to European ports, with no delays or compromises on quality.

From Seed to Harvest: Our Farming Process

But what does it take to deliver carrots that meet such high standards? The journey of our Hydro-Cooled Polished Carrots begins long before they reach your table.

Here’s a closer look at our farming process:

1. Careful Cultivation

Our carrots are grown in optimal conditions, with continuous supervision by our expert agriculture engineers. We select the best seeds and use advanced farming techniques to ensure healthy growth and high yields.

2. Sustainable Practices

Sustainability is at the heart of everything we do. We use eco-friendly farming methods to protect the environment and ensure the long-term viability of our crops.

3. Rigorous Quality Control

From the moment the seeds are planted to the time the carrots are harvested, we conduct regular inspections to monitor crop health and detect any issues early.

The Hydro-Cooling Process: Locking in Freshness

One of the key factors that set our carrots apart is our hydro-cooling process. Here’s how it works:

  1. Immediate Cooling: After harvest, the carrots are rapidly cooled using water at a controlled temperature. This process removes field heat and slows down the natural decay process.
  2. Preserving Freshness: Hydro-cooling locks in the carrots’ natural moisture, ensuring they stay crisp and flavorful during transit.
  3. Extending Shelf Life: By reducing the temperature quickly, we extend the shelf life of our carrots, making them ideal for export to European markets.
HydroCooled Carrots from Egypt

Polishing for Perfection

After hydro-cooling, our carrots undergo a polishing process to ensure they meet the highest standards of quality and appearance. Here’s what this involves:

  1. Cleaning: The carrots are thoroughly cleaned to remove any dirt or debris.
  2. Polishing: Using advanced machinery, we polish the carrots to give them a smooth, shiny surface.
  3. Inspection: Each carrot is inspected to ensure it meets our strict quality standards.

Our Carrot Spray Program: Ensuring Safety and Compliance

To meet European standards, we implement a comprehensive carrot spray program designed by our expert agriculture engineers. This program focuses on:

  1. Minimizing Pesticide Use: We use only approved pesticides in controlled quantities, ensuring compliance with European MRL regulations.
  2. Regular Monitoring: Our team conducts frequent field inspections to monitor crop health and detect any issues early.
  3. Sustainable Practices: Delivering premium-quality carrots isn’t just about meeting standards—it’s also about protecting the planet. Likewise, At GeoExporting, we believe that sustainability and quality go hand in hand. That’s why we prioritize eco-friendly farming methods to ensure our Hydro-Cooled Polished Carrots are not only fresh and delicious but also grown in harmony with the environment.

Seamless Carrot Export to European Markets

One of the key reasons European customers trust GEO EXPORTING is our ability to deliver fresh, high-quality carrots without delays. Here’s how we ensure a seamless export process:

  1. Compliance with Regulations: We meet all European regulatory requirements, ensuring fast clearance at ports.
  2. Trusted by Buyers: Our commitment to quality and consistency has earned us the trust of buyers across Europe.

Why European Buyers Trust GEO EXPORTING

Our Hydro-Cooled Polished Carrots have earned the trust of European buyers for several reasons:

  • Consistent Quality: Every batch meets the same high standards, ensuring reliability for our customers.
  • Compliance with European Regulations: we understand the importance of meeting strict regulatory requirements, That’s why our Hydro-Cooled Polished Carrots are fully compliant with all European standards, including GlobalG.A.P certification and Maximum Residue Limits (MRL). This ensures that every carrot we export is not only fresh and delicious but also safe and trusted by our European customers.
  • Freshness Guaranteed: Our hydro-cooling process ensures that the carrots arrive in perfect condition, every time.

The GEO EXPORTING Difference

What sets us apart? It’s our unwavering commitment to:

🌱 Sustainability: We use eco-friendly farming practices to protect the environment.
🔍 Transparency: Every step of our process is traceable, giving our customers peace of mind.
💡 Innovation: From hydro-cooling to advanced polishing, we use the latest technology to deliver the best product.


When you choose GEO EXPORTING, you’re choosing more than just carrots—you’re choosing quality, reliability, and trust. Therefore; Our Hydro-Cooled Polished Carrots are the result of years of expertise, innovation, and dedication to excellence.

Contact Us

At GEO EXPORTING, we’re passionate about delivering the freshest, highest-quality Hydro-Cooled Polished Carrots to European markets. also, If you’re a distributor, retailer, or wholesaler looking for a reliable supplier, we’d love to hear from you!

Why Partner with GEO EXPORTING?

  • Premium Quality: Our carrots meet the highest global standards, including GlobalG.A.P certification.
  • Timely Delivery: Our efficient logistics ensure your orders arrive on time, every time.
  • Custom Solutions: We work closely with our clients to meet their specific needs.

Get in Touch Today!

📞 Phone: +201112456632

Let’s Grow Together

Whether you have questions about our products, want to request a sample, or are ready to place an order, our team is here to help, So feel free to contact us today to learn more about how we can meet your needs with our Hydro-Cooled Polished Carrots.

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Elevating Egyptian Valencia Oranges to Global Excellence

Elevating Egyptian Valencia Oranges

CITROVA: Elevating Egyptian Valencia Oranges to Global Excellence

At CITROVA, we take immense pride in cultivating and exporting premium Egyptian Valencia oranges, bringing the vibrant taste of our orchards to consumers worldwide. Our commitment to excellence ensures that every orange embodies the rich agricultural heritage of Egypt, delivering unparalleled flavor and quality to diverse markets.

GEO EXPORTING: Elevating Egyptian Valencia Oranges to Global Markets

GEO EXPORTING has emerged as a leading force in the global citrus industry, supplying top-quality Egyptian citrus to markets such as Mumbai in India, the United Kingdom, Russia, and African nations like Rwanda, Congo, Gabon, and Benin. With an unwavering commitment to premium quality, we continuously expand our reach to satisfy growing international demand.

Our Valencia Orange Farm: A Hub for Elevating Egyptian Valencia Oranges

Located in Egypt’s fertile agricultural lands, our Valencia orange farm is a symbol of meticulous cultivation and high production standards. In 2025, we proudly produced approximately 150,000 tons of premium Valencia oranges, grown in compliance with European standards. This dedication to quality enables us to access new markets, including the Philippines and Brazil, positioning CITROVA as a globally trusted citrus brand.

Meticulous Cultivation and Harvesting Practices for Egyptian Citrus Exports

The foundation of our premium Valencia oranges lies in our careful planting and harvesting techniques. Each tree is carefully nurtured, benefiting from Egypt’s optimal climate and soil conditions. When harvest season arrives, we ensure that only the best fruits are selected. Our harvesting process involves cutting the fruit using scissors rather than pulling it off the tree. This method preserves the integrity of the stem, extending the shelf life and ensuring the fruit remains fresh for longer periods during transit.

Innovative Valencia Orange Packaging Solutions

To maintain the highest standards of freshness and presentation, we offer a variety of packaging solutions tailored to the diverse needs of our global clientele. Our packaging options include:

  • 15kg TSCP Cartons – Designed for various orange sizes, these cartons are stacked with 80 cartons per pallet. A 40ft container accommodates 1,664 cartons, totaling 24 MT net weight. The dimensions (30x40x27 cm) ensure optimal storage and freshness for up to six months.
  • 15kg Open-Top Cartons – Best suited for sizes 36 to 72, these cartons are arranged with 65 per pallet and 1,300 cartons per container, resulting in a 19.5 MT net weight. Their open-top design allows for efficient ventilation, preserving quality.
  • 600kg Bins – Specifically crafted for juice factories, these bins allow for efficient bulk transportation, with 40 bins fitting inside a 40ft container.

Each packaging type ensures that our premium Egyptian Valencia oranges arrive in perfect condition, meeting the highest industry standards.

Quality Control in Citrus Export: Ensuring Freshness and Excellence

Maintaining quality throughout the supply chain is our top priority. We employ advanced data loggers to track container temperatures during sea voyages, ensuring that every shipment arrives in pristine condition. By integrating modern quality control technologies, we guarantee that our oranges retain their natural juiciness and flavor.

Additionally, our sorting and sizing process ensures uniformity across all shipments. We offer precise orange sizes, including 36, 40, 48, 56, 64, 72, 80, 88, and 100, fulfilling our promise of delivering consistent quality to our customers.

Expanding Horizons: Exporting Egyptian Citrus to New Markets

Thanks to our rigorous adherence to European standards, CITROVA has secured entry into new global markets, including the Philippines and Brazil. Our continued investment in innovation, sustainability, and customer satisfaction positions CITROVA as a leader in the citrus export industry.

Sustainability and Environmental Stewardship in Citrus Farming

Sustainability is at the core of our operations. We employ eco-friendly farming techniques, optimizing water usage and minimizing chemical applications to maintain a natural ecosystem. Our sustainable practices ensure that our oranges are not only premium in quality but also responsibly grown, benefiting future generations.

Building Long-Lasting Relationships in the Global Citrus Market

CITROVA values long-term partnerships with importers, distributors, and retailers worldwide. Our transparent business practices, commitment to quality, and tailored citrus solutions allow us to build lasting relationships with global clients.

Experience the Zest of CITROVA: Premium Egyptian Valencia Oranges

CITROVA is more than just a citrus brand; it’s a promise of excellence. With premium Egyptian Valencia oranges, innovative packaging, and a strong commitment to quality, CITROVA continues to elevate the citrus industry worldwide.

Contact us on WhatsApp at +20 111 245 6632 or click this link to chat with us directly:

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Premium Egyptian Onions

Premium Egyptian Onions: A Global Favorite

Golden onions from Egypt are celebrated for their excellent flavor, long shelf life, and premium quality. At GEO Exporting, we specialize in providing the finest golden onions to international markets. Among these, the Fetela and Thawra varieties stand out for their exceptional attributes and seasonal availability, catering to global demand for premium onions.

Why Egyptian Golden Onions Are Unmatched

Egypt's fertile soil, abundant sunlight, and ideal agricultural conditions create the perfect environment for cultivating golden onions. With nutrient-rich land and advanced farming practices, Egyptian golden onions are known for their vibrant golden-brown skin, uniform size, and mild, sweet flavor. These characteristics make them a versatile choice for kitchens worldwide.

Fetela and Thawra Varieties: Egypt’s Pride

1. Fetela Onions

The Fetela variety is the earliest crop of Premium Egyptian golden onions in Egypt, also, Harvested between late January and March, this variety is known for its fresh, crisp texture and mild sweetness. besides that; Fetela onions are perfect for fresh consumption and cooking, offering a premium option at the start of each new onion season.

  • Seasonality: Late January to March
  • Features: Mild flavor, golden-brown skin, crisp texture
  • Ideal Uses: Fresh salads, soups, stews, and roasts

2. Thawra Onions

The Thawra variety takes over as the main crop from March through August, also These Premium Egyptian onions are larger, firmer, and have an extended shelf life, making them ideal for both local and export markets. Thawra onions are especially favored for bulk buyers and long-term storage due to their durability and consistent quality.

  • Seasonality: March to August
  • Features: Firm texture, vibrant golden color, long shelf life
  • Ideal Uses: Industrial food processing, long-distance shipping, and all-purpose cooking

Packaging Options for Golden Onions

At GEO Exporting, we understand the importance of preserving the quality and freshness of onions during transport. also, Our packaging options are designed to suit a range of customer needs:

  • 10kg Bags: Perfect for retail sales and smaller distributors.
  • 20kg and 25kg Bags: Ideal for wholesalers and mid-sized distributors.
  • 1,200kg Jumbo Bags: Designed for industrial buyers and large-scale operations.

Each package is carefully labeled with detailed product information for ease of handling and traceability. Our high-quality packaging materials ensure that the onions reach their destination in pristine condition.

Our Commitment to Quality

Certified Excellence

GEO Exporting adheres to the highest international standards, holding certifications such as ISO 9001:2015 and Global GAP. besides that; Our Golden onions are grown using premium seeds imported from the Netherlands, ensuring superior genetic quality and consistent yields. as side to this; We supervise the entire production cycle, from planting to harvesting, to maintain exceptional quality.

Food Safety Standards

Before export, all golden onions undergo rigorous testing by the Egyptian Food Safety Authority to ensure compliance with international regulations. Each shipment is accompanied by complete documentation, including the station code and farm code, to provide full traceability.

Benefits of Egyptian Golden Onions

Nutritional Value

Golden onions are rich in essential nutrients, including vitamins C and B6, potassium, and antioxidants. also, Their health benefits include boosting immunity, improving heart health, and reducing inflammation.

Long Shelf Life

Egyptian golden onions, particularly the Thawra variety, are known for their extended shelf life. and Properly stored, they remain fresh for months, making them ideal for export and long-term storage.

Culinary Versatility

Our Golden onions are a staple ingredient in cuisines worldwide. Whether sautéed, caramelized, roasted, or used raw in salads, these onions enhance the flavor of countless dishes. Their mild sweetness and rich aroma make them indispensable in both home kitchens and industrial food production.

Exporting Golden Onions to Global Markets

Egyptian golden onions are highly sought after in global markets, including Europe, Asia, and the Middle East. Equally important, GEO Exporting has built strong relationships with buyers worldwide, supplying premium Fetela and Thawra onions to wholesalers, supermarkets, and food manufacturers. Moreover Our efficient logistics network ensures timely delivery to any destination.

Why Choose GEO Exporting for Golden Onions?

  1. Experience: Over a decade of expertise in exporting premium agricultural products.
  2. Reliability: Timely shipments and transparent communication.
  3. Customized Solutions: Flexible packaging and shipping options tailored to customer needs.
  4. Sustainability: Environmentally friendly farming practices.
  5. Competitive Pricing: High-quality onions at market-competitive prices.

How to Order Egyptian Golden Onions

Ordering is simple and hassle-free. Contact us today to discuss your requirements:

Our team is ready to assist you with selecting the right variety, size, and packaging for your needs.

Golden Onions in Numbers

  • HS Code: 070310
  • Varieties: Fetela (January-March), Thawra (March-August)
  • Sizes: 30mm to 125mm
  • Packaging: 10kg, 20kg, 25kg, and 1,200kg bags
  • Export Markets: Europe, Asia, the Middle East

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Ведущий производитель моркови из Египта

Ведущий производитель моркови из Египта

Компания GEO EXPORTING по праву занимает лидирующую позицию среди производителей и экспортёров моркови в Египте. Наша продукция, выращенная на современных фермах, известна своим качеством и свежестью, благодаря чему пользуется огромным спросом на международных рынках.

Мы гордимся своими фермами, расположенными в регионе Вади Эль-Натрун, провинция Бехейра. Это плодородный регион, идеально подходящий для сельского хозяйства. Здесь мы используем передовые агротехнологии, чтобы гарантировать высочайшее качество нашей продукции, будь то морковь или другие овощи, такие как картофель, лук, капуста и салатные культуры.

Современные фермы GEO EXPORTING

Наши фермы – это сердце компании. Используя передовые системы пивотного орошения, мы обеспечиваем равномерное распределение воды на каждом участке. Это позволяет получать стабильный урожай высокого качества даже в условиях засушливого климата Египта.

Благодаря профессионализму нашей команды и строгому контролю качества на каждом этапе производства, мы выращиваем овощи, которые соответствуют самым строгим международным стандартам.

Почему мы являемся ведущим производителем моркови в Египте?

  • Устойчивые методы ведения сельского хозяйства.
  • Регулярный мониторинг почвы и воды.
  • Использование органических и экологически безопасных методов выращивания.

Технологии обработки продукции

GEO EXPORTING выделяется среди других производителей благодаря инновационным технологиям обработки моркови и других овощей.

Гидрохолодная обработка

После сбора морковь проходит этап гидрохолодной обработки. Это современный процесс охлаждения с использованием воды низкой температуры, который помогает сохранить свежесть, текстуру и цвет продукции.

Полировка для идеального внешнего вида

Морковь также проходит процесс полировки, что делает её привлекательной для покупателей на международных рынках.

Преимущества наших технологий:

  • Сохранение свежести до 45 дней при морских перевозках.
  • Продукция сохраняет свои питательные свойства и отличный вкус.
  • Высокая привлекательность для покупателей благодаря идеальному внешнему виду.

Почему мы являемся ведущим производителем моркови из Египта

GEO EXPORTING имеет более чем 12-летний опыт в области производства и экспорта моркови. Мы успешно осуществляем экспорт моркови и овощей во многие супермаркеты по всей Европе. и продолжаем наш устойчивый бизнес с нашими европейскими партнерами

Особенности наших экспортных процессов:

  1. Долговременные перевозки: Морковь сохраняет свежесть даже при длительных морских поставках, например, до Западной Африки, где транспортировка может длиться до 45 дней.
  2. Разнообразие упаковки: Мы предлагаем морковь в гидрохолодных полиэтиленовых мешках, а также в упаковках с брендовым дизайном.
  3. Гибкость: Отгрузка крупными и мелкими партиями в зависимости от потребностей клиента.

Наши бренды

GEO EXPORTING успешно продаёт морковь и овощи под известными международными брендами:

  1. GEO FARMS – высококачественная морковь для рынка Великобритании. Этот бренд уже зарекомендовал себя как символ качества и свежести.
  2. Rooty Tasty – популярный бренд в Германии и Италии, который ассоциируется с вкусной и питательной морковью.
  3. Бренды для Африки: В странах Африки мы предлагаем оба бренда, что делает нашу продукцию узнаваемой и востребованной.

Наши бренды стали синонимом доверия и качества, что подтверждается отзывами клиентов и стабильным спросом.

Международные сертификаты качества

GEO EXPORTING обладает сертификатом Global GAP, который подтверждает соответствие нашей продукции мировым стандартам. Этот сертификат охватывает все аспекты производства: от устойчивого использования ресурсов до соблюдения экологических норм.

Почему Global GAP важен?

  • Гарантирует безопасность продукции для потребителей.
  • Подтверждает наше стремление к устойчивому развитию.
  • Укрепляет доверие со стороны международных клиентов.

Устойчивость и экологическая ответственность

Мы понимаем важность сохранения окружающей среды и стремимся к устойчивому ведению бизнеса. На наших фермах применяются технологии, которые минимизируют использование воды и удобрений, одновременно увеличивая урожайность.

Наш вклад в экологию:

  • Использование органических методов выращивания.
  • Снижение углеродного следа за счёт оптимизации логистики.
  • Поддержка местных сообществ через создание рабочих мест.

Почему выбирают GEO EXPORTING?

Наши клиенты выбирают нас по ряду причин:

  1. Качество продукции. Мы предлагаем только свежие и питательные овощи.
  2. Современные фермы. Наши фермы в Вади Эль-Натрун являются примером инновационного подхода к сельскому хозяйству.
  3. Технологии обработки. Гидрохолодная обработка и полировка гарантируют длительное хранение и идеальный вид продукции.
  4. Надёжность. Мы соблюдаем все договорённости и обеспечиваем своевременную доставку.
  5. Бренды. GEO FARMS и Rooty Tasty – это символы качества и доверия.


Андрю, управляющий директор:
«Мы гордимся тем, что GEO EXPORTING является главным производителем моркови в Египте. Наше стремление к качеству позволяет нам предлагать продукцию премиум-класса, которая ценится по всему миру.»

Эмад Рофаил, председатель совета директоров:
«Каждая партия наших овощей – это результат коллективной работы, современных технологий и строгого контроля качества. Мы стремимся быть лучшими в своей отрасли.»

Заключение | Ведущий производитель моркови из Егип

GEO EXPORTING – это не просто компания, а символ надёжности, качества и инноваций. Мы гордимся тем, что являемся главным производителем моркови в Египте и предлагаем продукцию, которая соответствует ожиданиям наших клиентов.

Если вы хотите стать частью нашей истории успеха, свяжитесь с нами уже сегодня. Мы готовы предоставить вам продукцию, которая станет лучшим выбором для вашего бизнеса.

Для получения дополнительной информации посетите наш сайт:

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High-Quality Egyptian Potatoes

High-Quality Egyptian Potatoes

GEO Exporting: Pioneers in Premium Egyptian Potato Production


GEO Exporting has cemented its place as a leader in producing and exporting high-quality Egyptian potatoes.

With over 150 pivots spread across vast acres of fertile land in Egypt, we employ advanced irrigation methods to ensure exceptional yields. This dedication to excellence has made GEO Exporting the preferred potato supplier for European markets, meeting the stringent demands of supermarkets across the continent.


Our commitment to quality and sustainability enables us to cultivate several varieties of potatoes tailored for different uses, from table potatoes to industrial processing. Whether you are a supermarket, restaurant chain, or food processor, GEO Exporting guarantees superior-quality potatoes that meet your needs.

Our Potato Varieties: Excellence in Every Tuber

GEO Exporting offers a diverse variety of High-Quality Egyptian Potatoes. Below is an overview of our varieties, their unique qualities, and their suitability for various culinary and industrial uses.

Table Potatoes

Variety NameUsesDescription
SpuntaSalads, Boiling, Roasting, French FriesLong oval-shaped potato with yellow/brown skin and creamy yellow flesh. Perfect for French fries and can remain in reefer containers for over 90 days without compromising quality.
MondialGeneral Table UseA versatile potato with creamy skin and pale yellow flesh, Mondial is known for its excellent taste and high yield, making it a staple for everyday use.
CaraBoiling, Roasting, MashingA short, oval-round potato with red particolored skin and cream flesh. Its shallow eyes and medium-smooth skin ensure easy preparation for a variety of dishes.
AlmondGeneral Table UseAlmond is a versatile potato variety, offering excellent taste and quality for multiple culinary purposes.
Bintje (Similar Variety)Boiling, RoastingKnown for its creamy flesh and excellent flavor, this variety is a favorite among chefs for its adaptability.

Factory Potatoes

Variety NameUsesDescription
Lady RosettaCrisps, Starch, MashThanks to its high dry matter and low sugar content, Lady Rosetta is ideal for crisp production and starch. It features red skin, light yellow flesh, and shallow eyes for easy peeling.
DiamondBoiling, RoastingFeaturing white skin and flesh, this variety offers high smoothness and shallow eyes, making it suitable for both culinary and industrial uses.
HermesCrispsWith its oval shape and high dry matter content, Hermes is highly favored for frying, especially in crisp production. It delivers consistent yields with shallow eyes and medium-smooth skin.

Packaging Options for High-Quality Egyptian Potatoes

At GEO Exporting, we ensure that our potatoes are delivered in premium packaging to preserve their freshness and quality. Our standard packaging specifications include:

Packaging TypeWeightFeatures
Jumbo Bags1,250 kgSuitable for large-scale industrial use
Jute Bags10 kg, 25 kgDurable and designed for easy transport
PP Bags10 kg, 25 kgIncludes black linen to prevent light exposure

Spotlight on Key Potato Varieties

Discover the Quality

1. Spunta Potatoes

A long, oval-shaped variety with yellow/brown skin and creamy yellow flesh. Ideal for French fries due to its texture and ability to stay fresh in reefer containers for over 90 days. It’s also perfect for salads, boiling, and roasting.

2. Cara Potatoes

Cara is a highly versatile potato variety, thanks to its short, oval-round shape and distinct red particolored skin with cream-colored flesh. Its shallow eyes and medium-smooth skin make peeling and preparation a breeze, making it an excellent choice for various culinary applications such as boiling, roasting, and mashing.

3. Mondial Potatoes

Mondial potatoes, distinguished by their creamy skin and pale yellow flesh, offer remarkable versatility for general table use.

4. Lady Rosetta Potatoes

Lady Rosetta’s high dry matter content and low sugar levels make it an ideal choice for crisp producers. Its red skin, light yellow flesh, and shallow eyes also make it suitable for starch production and mashing.

5. Almond Potatoes

The Almond variety offers exceptional taste and versatility, also Perfect for a wide range of culinary uses, it’s a reliable choice for both households and industrial applications.

6. Bintje (We plant a Similar Variety)

A creamy-fleshed variety loved for its flavor and versatility.

Advanced Irrigation and Farming Techniques

At GEO Exporting, we utilize cutting-edge irrigation systems across our 150+ pivots. This ensures that our potatoes receive optimal water levels, leading to consistent high-quality yields. Our experienced agricultural engineers closely monitor every stage of cultivation, from planting to harvesting, ensuring compliance with international standards.

These advanced farming (click to check our farms) techniques allow us to grow premium potatoes that meet the rigorous demands of European importers and supermarkets. Whether it’s the high-yielding Spunta or the crisping Lady Rosetta, our potatoes are grown with care and precision.

Why Supermarkets Choose GEO Exporting

Egyptian Potatoes

GEO Exporting has become a trusted supplier for European supermarkets due to our:

  1. Uncompromising Quality: Each potato variety is carefully selected and grown to meet the highest standards.
  2. Sustainable Practices: Our irrigation systems and farming techniques prioritize sustainability.
  3. Custom Packaging: Flexible packaging options ensure that potatoes reach their destination in perfect condition.
  4. Global Reach: Our potatoes are exported to numerous countries, including leading European markets.

Contact GEO Exporting

Ready to import our potatoes, we will be pleased to be your Egyptian supplier, and we will be sure to deliver the highest quality and unique Packaging to you. Contact us today:

Let us supply you with the finest Egyptian potatoes tailored to your needs.

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Carrot Cake and Jam Recipes

Carrot Cake and Jam Recipes with Benefits

Delightful Carrot Recipes: Cake, Jam, and Health Benefits

When you think of versatile vegetables that can transform into delightful treats, carrots top the list. With their natural sweetness, vibrant color, and incredible health benefits, carrots are perfect for creating budget-friendly desserts for visitors or treats for your kids. At GEO FARMS, our organic carrots are grown on nutrient-rich lands in Egypt and supervised under GLOBAL GAP standards, ensuring the highest quality for your family’s health and enjoyment.

But carrots aren't just nutritious—they’re also incredibly versatile.

In this post, we’ll explore the incredible benefits of carrots, share a simple carrot cake recipe, and guide you through making an easy carrot jam. Let’s dive into these creative ways to make the most of GEO FARMS carrots!

Make children carrot recipe

Why Carrot Cake and Jam Recipes Are a Superfood

Carrots are not just delicious; they are packed with nutrients that provide numerous health benefits for both adults and children. Here are some key reasons to include carrots in your diet:

  • Rich in Vitamin A: Carrots are an excellent source of beta-carotene, which converts to Vitamin A in the body. Vitamin A supports healthy vision, boosts immunity, and promotes glowing skin.
  • High in Fiber: The fiber in carrots aids digestion and helps maintain a healthy gut, making them an ideal snack for children.
  • Loaded with Antioxidants: Carrots contain antioxidants like lutein and zeaxanthin, which protect the body from harmful free radicals and reduce the risk of chronic diseases.
  • Support Growth and Development: For kids, the vitamins and minerals in carrots contribute to strong bones, healthy teeth, and overall growth.
  • Low in Calories: Carrots are naturally low in calories, making them a guilt-free ingredient for desserts and snacks.

With GEO FARMS carrots, you’re not only adding flavor to your dishes but also boosting your family’s health with organic, pesticide-free produce. Now, let’s explore two delightful recipes that will have everyone asking for seconds.

How to Make a Simple and Delicious Carrot Cake

Carrot cake is a classic dessert that’s perfect for any occasion. Here’s an easy recipe that’s both budget-friendly and guaranteed to impress your guests:


  • 2 cups grated GEO FARMS carrots
  • 1 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
  • 1 cup sugar (or a healthier alternative like honey)
  • 3/4 cup vegetable oil
  • 3 eggs
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon baking soda
  • 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
  • 1/4 teaspoon nutmeg (optional)
  • A pinch of salt
  • 1/2 cup chopped walnuts or raisins (optional)

Ready to create something irresistible? Let’s walk through the process of making a delicious carrot cake that’s sure to impress. Follow these simple steps to bring out the best of GEO FARMS carrots:

  1. Preheat the Oven: Start by preheating your oven to 350°F (175°C) and greasing a round or rectangular baking pan.
  2. Prepare the Batter: In a mixing bowl, whisk together the sugar and oil until smooth. Add the eggs one at a time, mixing well after each addition. Stir in the vanilla extract for a hint of flavor.
  3. Mix the Dry Ingredients: In a separate bowl, sift together the flour, baking powder, baking soda, cinnamon, nutmeg, and salt.
  4. Combine Wet and Dry Ingredients: Gradually add the dry mixture to the wet ingredients, stirring just until combined. Fold in the grated carrots along with optional add-ins like walnuts or raisins for added texture and flavor.
  5. Bake: Pour the batter into the prepared pan and bake for 30-35 minutes, or until a toothpick inserted in the center comes out clean.
  6. Cool and Serve: Allow the cake to cool completely before slicing. For a special treat, spread cream cheese frosting over the top to enhance its flavor.

How to Make Easy Carrot Jam

Carrot jam is a unique and delicious way to preserve the natural sweetness of carrots. Spread it on toast, pancakes, or even as a topping for yogurt.


  • 1 kg carrots, peeled and grated
  • 500 g sugar
  • 1 lemon (juice and zest)
  • 1/2 teaspoon ground ginger (optional)
  • 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract

Let`s read the Instructions:

Prepare the Carrots:

Place the grated carrots in a large pot and cover with water. Bring to a boil and simmer until the carrots are tender (about 15 minutes).


Drain the carrots and blend them into a smooth puree.

Combine Ingredients:

Return the puree to the pot and add the sugar, lemon juice, lemon zest, ginger, and vanilla extract. Stir everything thoroughly to ensure the ingredients are evenly combined, setting the stage for your jam to develop its rich and delightful taste.


Simmer the mixture over low heat, stirring frequently, until it thickens to a jam-like consistency (about 30-40 minutes).

This carrot jam is a budget-friendly way to satisfy your family’s sweet tooth while incorporating a healthy ingredient.

Carrot Jam

Tips for Making the Ultimate Carrot Cake

  • Add Sweetness with Raisins: Enhance your carrot cake by adding a cup of golden raisins for extra sweetness and texture.
  • Transform into Cupcakes: Always use cupcake tins for individual servings. Also, Core out the center, fill it with carrot cake jam, and pipe cream cheese frosting on top. additionally Save the cupcake cap to cover the jam before frosting.
  • Decorate with Toasted Coconut: Sprinkle toasted coconut flakes on top for a decorative and flavorful finish.
  • Sift for Lightness: Always sift the dry ingredients to ensure a light, fluffy cake. Don’t skip this crucial step!
  • Grate Carrots Finely: Use a handheld fine cheese grater for a finer texture, allowing the carrots to blend seamlessly into the batter for a moist, tender cake.
  • Bundt Pan Variation: Bake in a bundt pan, slice it in half, create a small well for the jam, reassemble, and frost the top for a show-stopping presentation.
  • Serve at Room Temperature: Always bring the cake to room temperature before serving. Cold cakes can taste stale, even when they’re perfectly fresh.
  • Allergy-Friendly Substitutions: For an egg-free version, replace the 3 large eggs with 1 1/2 mashed bananas or 1/2 cup applesauce.
  • Refrigerate Cream Cheese Frosting: Since cream cheese frosting is perishable, keep the cake refrigerated and avoid leaving it out overnight.
  • Creative Decorations: Experiment with decorative toppings like nuts, whipped cream, caramel sauce, buttercream, pineapple bits, or crumbled cake pieces trimmed to level the cake.

Weekly Carrot Cake and Jam Recipes from GEO FARMS

At GEO FARMS, we’re passionate about turning fresh, organic produce into unforgettable meals. That’s why we’re excited to bring you weekly recipes that inspire creativity in the kitchen while celebrating the best nature has to offer. From desserts to savory dishes, our recipes are designed to inspire creativity in your kitchen while keeping your family healthy and happy.


Carrots are a fantastic ingredient for creating delicious and nutritious treats. Whether you’re baking a carrot cake for visitors or making carrot jam for your kids, GEO FARMS carrots ensure that you’re using the best quality produce grown under GLOBAL GAP supervision. With their exceptional taste and health benefits, our carrots are the perfect addition to your recipes.

Don’t forget to check back every week for more creative recipes featuring GEO FARMS’ organic produce. Ready to transform your cooking with the goodness of carrots?

Explore our products and start your culinary journey today!

Don't forget to contact us today here

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Egyptian Hydro-Cooled Carrots

Egyptian Hydro-Cooled Carrots


Egypt is renowned for its fertile lands and agricultural excellence, and when it comes to hydro-cooled carrots, GEO EXPORTING stands as a leader. As one of the top three producers and exporters of Egyptian carrots, we pride ourselves on delivering superior-quality products that meet global standards. Our hydro-cooled carrots are exported to supermarkets, retailers, and distributors across Europe and Africa under well-known brands such as GEO FARMS and Rooty Tasty, offering exceptional quality and innovative packaging solutions.

Branded Carrot PP Bag from Egypt

Why Hydro-Cooled Carrots Are Superior

Hydro-cooling is a vital step in preserving the freshness and quality of carrots. This method ensures rapid cooling immediately after harvest, maintaining the carrots' texture, color, and nutritional value. At GEO EXPORTING, all our carrots undergo hydro-cooling to provide maximum shelf life and preserve their superior taste.

Top Carrots Exporter in Egypt

GEO EXPORTING: A Trusted Name in Egyptian Agriculture

Our Production Scale

  • 1000 Acres of Desert Land:
    We grow over 1000 acres of carrots on Egypt's desert lands, known for their nutrient-rich, pest-free soil. Unlike mud land, desert soil significantly reduces the risk of diseases and pesticide residues, ensuring carrots meet the highest export standards.

Our Packaging Options

GEO EXPORTING offers a variety of packaging solutions tailored to meet the needs of different markets:

  • 10kg Polyethylene Bags:
    Equipped with air holes to maintain airflow, these bags are perfect for wholesale distribution.
  • 1kg Bags with GS1 Barcodes:
    Designed for supermarkets, these consumer-friendly bags adhere to international retail standards.

Our Brands in Global Markets

Our premium carrot brands have gained significant recognition in Europe and Africa:

  • Rooty Tasty

Both brands are internationally registered, symbolizing quality and reliability. Additionally, we offer non-branded packaging for clients requiring private labeling.

Why Choose GEO EXPORTING for Carrots?

  1. Top Export Quality:
    Hydro-cooled carrots grown on desert land ensure pest-free and disease-free produce with zero mud contamination.
  2. Innovative Packaging:
    Our packaging options cater to wholesalers, retailers, and supermarkets, maintaining freshness and appeal.
  3. Global Recognition:
    GEO EXPORTING is a trusted name, consistently ranked among the top producers of carrots in Egypt.

Exporting Egyptian Hydro-Cooled Carrots to Europe and Africa

GEO EXPORTING has cemented its position as a leading carrot exporter by meeting the strict quality standards of European and African markets. With a dedicated logistics team, we ensure timely delivery, whether it's bulk shipments or supermarket-ready products.

Sustainability and Innovation for our Egyptian Hydro-Cooled Carrots

Our farming practices emphasize sustainable agriculture. We use innovative techniques to minimize water usage while maximizing crop yield. By investing in modern cooling and packaging technologies, we ensure that our carrots reach customers in perfect condition.


Looking to source premium Egyptian hydro-cooled carrots? GEO EXPORTING makes it simple and professional for you to connect with us.

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Egyptian Iceberg Red Cabbage Export

Egyptian Iceberg and Red Cabbage: Premium Quality Ready for Export
Exported by Air and Sea with Flexible Packaging Solutions

GEO Exporting is proud to offer top-quality Egyptian Iceberg and Red Cabbage, perfect for international markets. With our extensive experience in cultivating these premium vegetables, we ensure the best possible quality for both airfreight and sea container export options. Our skilled engineers and dedicated quality control teams make sure that every product we export maintains its freshness, ensuring long shelf life and superior taste.

Why to import Egyptian Iceberg and Red Cabbage?

Egypt is renowned for its ideal climate for growing vegetables, particularly iceberg and red cabbage. With abundant sunshine and fertile soil, these crops thrive in Egypt’s environment, allowing GEO Exporting to produce some of the best Iceberg and Red Cabbage globally. Whether you are a distributor, retailer, or foodservice importer, our products meet all international export standards in accoradance with european standards, ensuring that you receive the best of Egyptian agriculture.

Flexible Export Options: Air and Sea Freight

At GEO Exporting, we understand that different importer have different needs. That’s why we offer both air and sea freight options for exporting Egyptian Iceberg and Red Cabbage.

  • Sea Freight (FCL Reefer Containers): Our 40ft Reefer containers are ideal for large shipments. They offer excellent storage conditions to maintain the freshness of our product during transit time. A 40ft reefer container takes 20 pallets, with each pallet containing either 80 plastic boxes or 90 open-top cartons.
  • Air Freight: For smaller, quicker shipments, we also provide airfreight options, ensuring our products reach their destination promptly while preserving their quality.

Packaging Solutions for Egyptian Iceberg Red Cabbage Export

To cater to various market preferences, we offer two packaging types for our iceberg and red cabbage:

  1. 5 kg Open-Top Cartons: These cartons are perfect for customers who prefer bulk shipments. They are designed for easy stacking and handling, ensuring secure transportation.
  2. 5 kg Plastic Boxes: Ideal for importer who does not care for Packagingand looking for save some packaging cost, compact packaging. The plastic boxes are durable and provide an added layer of protection during handling and shipping.

Container Capacity and Specifications

Our 40ft reefer containers are optimized to carry large quantities of Iceberg and Red Cabbage. Here’s the breakdown of the container capacity:

  • For Plastic Boxes: A 40ft reefer container can hold 1600 plastic boxes.
  • For Open-Top Cartons: The same container can hold 1800 open-top cartons.

Each box carries approximately 8 to 10 pieces of cabbage, with an average weight of 600 to 700 grams per piece.

  • Intermediary Weight per Carton: 5.6 to 7 kg
  • Intermediary Weight per Box: 5.5 to 6 kg
  • Intermediary Weight per Container (Carton Box): 12,600 kg
  • Intermediary Weight per Container (Plastic Box): 9,600 kg

These weights ensure that shipments are efficient and provide a good balance between quality and cost-effectiveness.

Shipping Period and Shelf Life

We ship our Iceberg and Red Cabbage from November 1st to mid-May, coinciding with the peak harvesting season in Egypt. During this period, the produce is at its freshest, ensuring long shelf life and high nutritional value.

Our Iceberg and Red Cabbage have a shelf life of about 21 days, making them ideal for international export. Whether by sea or air, the produce remains in perfect condition due to our careful handling and specialized packaging solutions.


GEO Exporting’s Commitment to Quality

At GEO Exporting, we are committed to excellence. With years of experience growing and exporting Iceberg and Red Cabbage, our team of trained engineers and specialists focus on the entire production process—from planting to packaging—to ensure that each batch meets international quality standards. Our strict quality control measures guarantee the freshness and shelf life of every shipment.

Why Choose GEO Exporting for Your Iceberg and Red Cabbage Needs?

  1. Expertise in Farming and Exporting: With years of experience, GEO Exporting has become a leader in growing and exporting high-quality vegetables. Our trained engineers use modern agricultural practices to maximize quality.
  2. Flexible Shipping: Whether you need bulk shipments via sea freight or faster deliveries by air, we offer both options to meet your logistics needs.
  3. Quality Packaging: We provide two types of packaging—open-top cartons and plastic boxes—both ensuring the safety and freshness of the produce.
  4. Competitive Pricing: We aim to provide the best value for our customers, offering high-quality produce at competitive prices.
Best Iceberg by GEO

Contact Us

For inquiries about Egyptian Iceberg and Red Cabbage, or to place an order, please feel free to contact us at:

GEO Exporting
Phone or whatsapp: +201112456632

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Festival strawberries from Egypt

Festival strawberries from Egypt

Fresh Egyptian Strawberries: The Season You’ve Been Waiting For

Egyptian strawberries

As the world of fresh produce gears up for the winter season, GEO EXPORTING is excited to announce the upcoming Egyptian strawberry season, featuring the premium Festival variety. From 15th November 2024 to the first week of March 2025, our farms in Egypt will be harvesting some of the finest strawberries available in the market. This is the time to lock in your orders and secure the freshest, juiciest, and most vibrant strawberries from Egypt.

At GEO EXPORTING, we pride ourselves on delivering strawberries that not only taste exceptional but also meet the highest standards of food safety and quality control. We are honored to be on the whitelist of EMCOCAL, a trusted U.S. authority that oversees our farming practices and helps ensure that the use of pesticides on our crops is strictly controlled and minimized. This guarantees that our Festival strawberries from Egyptare not only fresh but safe, giving you peace of mind as you enjoy or distribute our produce worldwide.

The Festival Variety: Egypt’s Premium Strawberry

When it comes to strawberry varieties, the Festival strawberry stands out for its versatility and consumer appeal. Festival Strawberry Versatility: The Festival variety, developed at the University of Florida, excels with its bright red color, sweet flavor, and firm texture, ideal for retail and wholesale. Whether for snacking, desserts, or processing into jams, Festival strawberries consistently deliver.

Why Egyptian Festival Strawberries? Egypt’s climate and soil create optimal conditions for growing premium strawberries. We harvest them at peak freshness and package them carefully to maintain their color, texture, and shelf life, even during transport.

For years, we’ve exported Festival strawberries from Egypt, consistently satisfying clients across Europe, the Middle East, Asia, and Africa. Whether you’re a retailer or distributor, our strawberries are the perfect choice for global markets.

Festival strawberries from Egypt

Why GEO EXPORTING Is the Trusted Supplier?

At GEO EXPORTING, our commitment goes beyond simply growing Festival strawberries from Egypt. We strive to be a partner you can rely on for consistent quality, timely delivery, and excellent service. Here’s why you should choose GEO EXPORTING for your strawberry needs this season:

  1. EMCOCAL supervises our crops as part of its whitelist for pesticide residual control. This ensures we keep pesticide residues on our strawberries well below the allowable limits.
  2. We apply strict quality control at every step to ensure we meet your expectations. From planting to harvesting and packaging, our team ensures the highest quality in every batch of strawberries we export. We hand-pick strawberries to preserve their delicate texture and appearance, making them perfect for retail or distribution.
  3. Optimal Packaging for Freshness and Shelf LifeWe understand how important packaging is when it comes to fresh produce. That’s why GEO EXPORTING uses specialized 2.5 kg cartons, each containing 10 punnets of premium Festival strawberries. This packaging ensures that our strawberries maintain their freshness during transportation and handling, even if they’re traveling long distances.
  4. Free Pre-Booking: The high demand for Egyptian strawberries makes our free pre-booking service essential. Pre-booking secures your supply early, locks in the best prices, and ensures timely deliveries during the season’s busiest times.

The Benefit for Your Market

When you choose Egyptian strawberries, you’re not just choosing a high-quality product—you’re choosing a solution that offers several key advantages for your market:

  • Consistent Quality: Egyptian strawberries, especially the Festival variety, are known for their consistent size, color, and flavor. This makes them a reliable choice for both retail and food processing applications.
  • Extended Availability: season in Egypt runs from mid-November to early March, making it one of the longest strawberry seasons globally. This means that you can offer fresh strawberries to your customers when other growing regions are out of season.
  • Competitive Pricing: Thanks to Egypt’s efficient agricultural practices and geographic location, our strawberries are competitively priced without compromising on quality. This makes them an attractive option for retailers and distributors looking to offer premium products at affordable prices.


Secure Your Strawberry Supply for the 2024-2025 Season

The 2024-2025 season is approaching fast, so now is the time to secure your fresh Egyptian strawberries. We grow Festival strawberries with care, supervised by EMCOCAL for pesticide control, and package them for top quality. Our free pre-booking and reliable delivery will meet your fresh produce needs this season.

Don’t wait—contact us today to learn more about our strawberries, pricing, and delivery options.

Contact Us

For more information on our products, including Egyptian fresh strawberries, please visit our website at GEO Exporting. You can also reach out to us directly via the contact details provided on our site.

  • Phone/WhatsApp: +201112456632
  • Email: / /

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