هناك 4 اسباب رئيسية تجعل تصدير البصل المصري هو الافضل
أولا: الجودة في تصدير البصل المصري
نحن لدينا خبرة اكثر من 10 سنوات في تصدير البصل المصري وزراعته حيث نقوم بتصدير اعلي جودة وبأعلي المواصفات الاوروبية الدولية لتلقي اعجاب عملائنا، لنحصل على استمرارية العملاء معنا
وايضا نمتلك مزارعنا الخاصة ونقوم بالإعتناء بالمحصول بداية من البذور ومرورا بمتابعه المحصول خلال دورتة وانتهائا بحصاد محصول ذات جودة عالية للتصدير، من خلال تطبيق عدد من الشروط المتعلقة بالمشتل المخصص لإنتاج شتلات البصل وهي إنه يجب أن تكون أرض المشتل خالية تماما من أي مسببات مرضية (خاصة أمراض التربة)، ويتم ذلك باختيار أرض جديدة، ويجب خدمة أرض المشتل وخدمة جيدة مع الحرث والتقليب والتشميس أكثر من مرة مقاومة الحشائش
تصدير البصل المصري
عالي الجودة
الجودة هي مفتاح السوق الخارجي
ثانيا: الكميات الكبيرة في تصدير البصل
لدينا مزارعنا الخاصة لتصدير البصل المصري عالي الجودة و أيضًا بجانب مزارعنا لدينا موردين البصل في حال الكميات الضخمة الذين يعملون معنا منذ أكثر من 10سنوات ذو خبره جيده بالمواصفات الأوروبية ولديهم دراية كاملة بالعمل معنا وما نريد من المواصفات
صورة من تحميل بصل صادر الي انجلترا
ثالثا: تعبئة بصل التصدير المصري
نقوم بتعبئة كل من البصل الاحمر والبصل الذهبي في شكاير ذات لون احمر بأوزان مختلفة حسب طلب كل عميل تبدا 10من كجم وحتي 25 كجم واحيانا 50 كجم بكل شيكارة، بالإضافة الي الاهتمام بنوع الخياطة الخارجية بشكل احترافي لتمنع تساقط اي حبة الي الخارج.
طريقة التعبئة
تصدير البصل المصري
رابعا: الشحن
ان شحن البصل المصري المتاح للتصدير يحتاج الي خبرة كبيرة خاصتا اذا كانت فترة الشحن تتعدي ال 30 او ال 40 يوم فيجب احتساب نسبة الكربون بالبصل المصدر قبل شحنة حتي لا يفسد عند الوصول، هذا الي جانب الحفاظ على درجة الحرارة المناسبة والتي تختلف حسب مدة الشحن.
هذا الي جانب الحفاظ على مسافات بين كل باليت والاخر فيما لا يقل عن 10 سم ليسمح بمرور الهواء بحرية ويحافظ على درجة الرطوبة داخل الحاوية، الي جانب مراعاه نهاية خط التحميل من اجل الحصول على التهوية المناسبة
طريقة التحميل
تصدير البصل المصري
طريقة تعبئة البصل الاحمر للتصدير
شيكارة 10 كجم - صادر الي هولاندا - عدد (2) حاوية 40 قدم
"GEO Exporting" is one of the Leading Garlic suppliers that add value to Egypt`s top exporter`s portfolio.
Egyptian Garlic Sizes
An Introduction to Garlic Exporter:
"GEO Exporting " is one of the leading garlic exporters from Egypt, as we export in compliance with European food hygiene standards and standards by not containing pesticide residues.
Where garlic is characterized by our ability to endure long periods of time because we follow the best way in the garlic cultivation
In Egypt, there are many varieties of garlic, including local Chinese garlic, garlic, and strains 40 and 41 and the sixth derivatives of these two strains of Chinese garlic are excellent strains and export specifications, varies depending on the history of agriculture, several factors.
namely cultivated variety, climatic conditions, and method of cultivation
Worldwide garlic exports by country totaled US$2.8 billion in 2019.
That dollar value reflects an 11.3% increase since 2015 and a 30.9% uptick from 2018 to 2019.
Remarkable for its sharp and pungent taste resembling horseradish or minced onions combined with chives, garlic is a popular seasoning ingredient.
Raw or cooked garlic cloves are also used for medicinal purposes in many cultures.
From a continental perspective, Asian countries sold almost three-quarters (72.6%) of the world’s exported garlic during 2019 with shipments valued at $2 billion.
In second place were European exporters at 19% while 6.1% of global garlic shipments originated from Latin America excluding Mexico but including the Caribbean.
Smaller percentages came from North America (1.1%), Africa (also 1.1%) then Oceania’s (0.03%) Australia and New Zealand only.
For research purposes, the 6-digit Harmonized Tariff System code prefix for garlic is 070320.
Below are the 15 countries that exported the highest dollar value worth of garlic during 2018.
Top Exporter By Us Dollar
Below are the 15 countries that exported the highest dollar value worth of garlic in 2019.
China: US$2 billion (71.3% of total garlic exports)
Spain: $359.9 million (12.9%)
Argentina: $131.7 million (4.7%)
Netherlands: $78.9 million (2.8%)
France: $32.4 million (1.2%)
Egypt: $27.3 million (1%)
Italy: $23.5 million (0.8%)
Chile: $21.6 million (0.8%)
Peru: $17.5 million (0.6%)
United States: $15.7 million (0.6%)
Mexico: $15.2 million (0.5%)
Iran: $11 million (0.4%)
United Kingdom: $5.6 million (0.2%)
India: $5.5 million (0.2%)
Germany: $4.5 million (0.2%)
By value, the listed 15 countries shipped 97.8% of all garlic exports in 2018.
Among the top exporters, the fastest-growing garlic exporters since 2014 were:
Uzbekistan (up 3,477%)
Peru (up 1,093%)
Egypt (up 167.6%)
and Malaysia (up 70.7%).
Those countries that posted declines in their exported garlic sales were led by: Italy (down -24.9%), United Kingdom (down -19.1%), United States (down -17.6%), France (down -9.3%), and Portugal (down -5.1%).
Specifications & Details
Red Garlic / White Garlic Fresh and Dry
Product Name
20, 30, 40 , 50, 60, 70, 80 Mm
Carton / Mesh bag / Basket
Unite weight
As Client Request
Container 40 ft
Depended on Packing from 20 tonss to 25 tons. One container 40 ft takes 25 to mesh bag One container 40 ft takes 24 to Carton
Those are famous words from the ancient Greek physician Hippocrates, often called the father of Western medicine.
He actually used to prescribe garlic to treat a variety of medical conditions.
Modern science has recently confirmed many of these beneficial health effects.
Here are 11 health benefits of garlic that are supported by human research.
1. Garlic Contains Compounds With Potent Medicinal Properties
Garlic is a plant in the Allium (onion) family, It is closely related to onions, shallots, and leeks. Each segment of a garlic bulb is called a clove. There are about 10–20 cloves in a single bulb, give or take.
Also Grows in many parts of the world and is a popular ingredient in cooking due to its strong smell and delicious taste, However, throughout ancient history, the main use of garlic was for its health and medicinal properties (1Trusted Source).
Its use was well documented by many major civilizations, including the Egyptians, Babylonians, Greeks, Romans, and Chinese (2Trusted Source).
Scientists now know that most of the health benefits result from the sulfur compounds that are formed when chopping garlic cloves or crushed or chewed, Perhaps the most famous of those is known as allicin.
However, allicin is an unstable compound that is only briefly present in fresh garlic after it’s been cut or crushed (3Trusted Source).
Other compounds that may play a role in garlic’s health benefits include diallyl disulfide and s-allyl cysteine (4Trusted Source).
The sulfur compounds from garlic enter the body from the digestive tract and travel all over the body, where it exerts its potent biological effects.
2. Showcase Garlic`s benefits
Garlic is a calorie nutritious incredibly, One clove (3 grams) of raw garlic contains (5):
Benefits of Egyptrian Garlic
Manganese: 2% of the Daily Value (DV)
Vitamin B6: 2% of the DV
Vitamin C: 1% of the DV
Selenium: 1% of the DV
Fiber: 0.6 grams
Decent amounts of calcium, copper, potassium, phosphorus, iron, and vitamin B1
This comes with 4.5 calories, 0.2 grams of protein, and 1 gram of carbs.
Garlic also contains trace amounts of various other nutrients. In fact, it contains a little bit of almost everything you need.
3. How Garlic Fights Colds and The Flu?
Garlic has been used for centuries as both a food ingredient and medicine, In fact, eating garlic can provide a wide variety of health benefits (1Trusted Source).
This includes reduced heart disease risk, improved mental health, and enhanced immune function
4. View some studies on garlic as a healthy food
One large, 12-week study found that a daily garlic supplement reduced the number of colds by 63% compared to a placebo (6Trusted Source).
The average length of cold symptoms was also reduced by 70%, from 5 days in the placebo group to just 1.5 days in the garlic group.
Another study found that a high dose of aged garlic extract (2.56 grams per day) reduced the number of days sick with cold or flu by 61% (7Trusted Source).
However, one review concluded that the evidence is insufficient and more research is needed (8Trusted Source).
Despite the lack of strong evidence, adding garlic to your diet may be worth trying if you often get colds.
Citrus Exporter Company In Egypt | Orange Navel - Orange Valencia
Table of contents
What is different between Navel orange and Valencia orange?
Herein down below we will shed light on the difference between orange varieties, let`s start;
Of all the citrus fruits produced all over the world, oranges account for the majority of the fruit production and make up the highest-value crop when it comes to international trade. How could it not be? People are drawn to and just love the naturally sweet and refreshing flavors of oranges no matter what season it is.
There are many orange varieties in Egypt but there are two cultivars that top all the charts: the sweet-snacking Navel Orange and the refreshingly juicy Valencia Orange.
Sweet differences
The navel orange and Valencia orange are sweet oranges of the genus Citrus x Sinensis, which result from the citric mandarin and the tart pomelo. 75% of the genetic makeup of oranges is from Mandarin. Although both are of the same genus, there are a few notable differences between the two.
1. Outside Appearance
Egyptian Valencia Oranges, which were named after the city of Valencia in Spain, are medium-sized oranges with thin, bright orange, finely textured rinds that are somewhat difficult to peel.
Egyptian Navel Oranges are large, spherical oranges with thick, deep-orange, loose rinds that are easy to peel.
2. Taste as a citrus exporter
Valencia oranges are juicy and have the perfect ratio of sweet-tart flavor making them great juicing oranges. The juice is refreshing and can be stored for a long time since the natural compound Limonin, which turns the fruit bitter, is found in the seeds and not in the flesh.
Navels are deliciously sweet oranges with less tang than Valencia oranges. They are wonderful to snack on and tossed in a salad to give a sweet and refreshing flavor. Keep in mind that if you wish to juice Navel oranges, make sure to drink it as soon as you juice it as there is Limonin in the flesh of this fruit, and the juice quickly turns bitter.
3. Season
Being a winter fruit, you can import Valencia oranges from January until Late May. You can also pre-order Valencia oranges through this form and get them shipped to you straight away. Buying fruits directly from us is better than buying from brokers as we have our own farms besides gained experience helped us to improve the quality all the time since fruits are only picked when they are in their prime form (shape, ripeness).
Navel oranges are in season from December to the Middle of February. Because they ripen during the cold seasons, they are aptly called winter oranges.
As a citrus exporter, what is our Quality?
We are a leading company for the following reasons;
Testing our Product Quality:
GEO exporting is dealing with a well-equipped quality-testing lab to test the quality of the products at every stage of production.
Also, Our quality control team keeps a strict vigil on the production process to ensure the highest quality standards of the products.
Our Packing strategy:
We know that the right packaging of the products is very important. Thus, we use high-quality HDPE drums to pack our citrus products.
Inspections of our Fresh oranges:
GEO Exporting is very aware of the pesticide issues and management in the fresh produce exported to their different countries and we have a Positive Release system in pesticide management as we send samples from each fresh product prior to harvest and packing to have analysis tests before packing to be sure of the MRL in our fresh products.
Also, we at GEO Exporting act according to PPPL for all our fresh products that respect the EU MRL,(Maximum Residue Levels), in our fresh products.
we always send samples from all our fresh products to be analyzed against the EU MRL in accredited labs.
Why we are the leading Citrus exporter in Egypt
1. Huge Suppliers base
We have a vast supply base of citrus suppliers in Egypt that can provide citrus products of any quantity and of the highest quality.
Also, as a Citrus exporter we focus on the best quality for our selected oranges besides that; it is hand selected.
This is mainly because of its high quality and availability on the Egyptian market which makes Egypt different from the rest of the world.
2. Control Bulk Quantities as a citrus exporter
Our company is able to afford any quantity of navel, valencia, grapefruit, and mandarin Citrus.
Orange Supplier In Egypt – Valencia Orange – Navel Orange
There are 7 Reasons that would make you import Egyptian Orange
Egypt succeeded in exporting the first shipments of the new season of Egyptian orange to the Brazilian market, in cooperation with the Brazilian Embassy in Cairo.
Egyptian exports of oranges recorded almost 1.4M tons in the current season.
Currency devaluation, improved quality, and a surge in Chinese demand lift Egypt into the number one position.
Japan allowed the Egyptian government to export citrus fruits after long negotiations between the two sides.
Orange Egypt Tops All MENA Brands and Hit Unprecedented Global Ranking.
The quality of imported Egyptian oranges improves.
Contains vitamin A and is a source of sodium-potassium magnesium copper sulfur chlorine.
GEO Exporting is one of the largest Egyptian orange suppliers, and exporters, especially in Valencia orange and Navel orange. And we export according to European food hygiene standards and standards by not containing pesticide residues, So we can provide any required quantities of oranges.
Specifications & Details
Product Name
Valencia / Navel / Balady
Net Weight 15 KG Gross Weight 16 KG
Net Weight 7 KG Gross Weight 8 KG
One Container 40 ft
24.96 Ton on 21 Pallet
Open-Top, Telescopic Carton or Plastic Box
Egyptian orange varieties:
1- Valencia Orange Supplier
The following is a Description Of Valencia Orange Supplier:
It has few seeds, varying in number from (1-5) per fruit.
Excellent taste and internal color make it desirable for fresh fruit markets, too.
The fruit has an average diameter of 2.7 to 3 inches (69 to 76 mm; 6.9 to 7.6 cm), and a piece of this fruit which weighs 96 grams (3.4 oz) has 45 calories and 9 grams of sugar.
It contains vitamin C and flavonoids, which are beneficial.
After bloom, it usually carries two crops on the tree, the old and the new.
Egyptian Navel Oranges by GEO Exporting GEO Farms Brand Citrus
2- Navel Orange supplier
Are characterized by the growth of a second fruit at the apex, which protrudes slightly and resembles a human navel.
Also, Egyptian oranges are primarily grown for human consumption for various reasons: their thicker skin makes them easy to peel, they are less juicy, and their bitterness – a result of the high concentrations of limonin and other limonoids – renders them less suitable for juice.
So Their widespread distribution and long growing season have made navel oranges very popular.
Navel Oranges Today
Continue to be propagated through cutting and grafting, But as a result, This does not allow for the usual selective breeding methodologies,
and so all navel oranges can be fruits from that single,
And it’s a nearly two-hundred-year-old tree.
We Are Always Ready For Tomorrow With Today`s Best Quality.
GEO exporting works effectively in the Egyptian orange market, and you strive daily for compliance with European international standards.
Egypt is a big market in the agriculture of fruits and vegetables because it has a Nile River, plus its fertile land and mild atmosphere make it suitable for many crops.
GEO is one of the leading suppliers in Egypt for exporting fresh fruits, Our team strives daily to comply with European standards, therefore we care for the internal management and quality control for our products along with the appearance and Quality of the outer Packing of our products. we are ISO 9001:2015 Certified.
1- High Quality
Egyptian crops are characterized by high quality because they are grown and monitored by the latest international regulations and European standards Our company is keen to be products exported abroad to add to the reputation of the Egyptian product It is also keen to select the best types of vegetables and fruits after being examined by the Ministry of Agriculture laboratories of Egypt.
2- The price Quotation we provide gives a reason to import from us!
Our prices have less overhead costs compared to other companies, that is because we buy bulk numbers of cartons and purchase all necessary materials in Bulk to get discounted prices for high-quality materials.
for several reasons including that we do not put a large profit margin on our products And because we also work with a policy work more earn more and this policy is very profitable with us
3- We Could Afford Any Quantities
We can provide the required quantities in the agreed time due to our experience in the field of export and because we have a huge supplier base all over Egypt Which can supply any quantities we require We also work with many filling stations which have a good reputation and most importantly for us and then with different capacities. And yes also with many freezing lines which have a good reputation as well and we prefer to work with IQF freezing
4- Why You Should Import From Us?!
GEO has been working in the field of exporting since 2012 for exporting fresh, Frozen fruits and vegetables. Also, we have our farms in northern Egypt and for 14 years we have grown almost all crops. During this duration, we have built our trust with some countries' importers for some of our products. And we have a large base of suppliers all over Egypt and are working to increase them. We choose our suppliers very carefully.
Also, we are dealing with many export terminals and freezing lines with different production capacities to suit all our customers. We also reclaim land and cultivate crops for export on the latest global farming systems in an effort to raise the quality of our products and to provide the best price for our customers.
5- What We Will Do For You
After agreeing with us on our terms and conditions and starting work you will find our prices are not comparable due to our experience in the Egyptian market and because we have many suppliers in all brands and are known for our good reputation You will find our position and credibility in dealing and that we want you also. Also, you will find full commitment in dealing, also we are seeking for a sustainable relationship with you.
6- What Types of Fruits You Could Import From Egypt?
There are many types of crops you could import.
Egyptian fruit is characterized by a global reputation in quality due to its distinctive taste.
For large orders of grapes, whether shipped air or sea, we plant a total of 15 acres of grapes, which you can order in any quantity of the following types of grapes:
(SULTANA) Lady de Coverly, oval-fruited, firm grapes, round berries, sweet, juicy, especially tender skin.
Color: White/Green
Brix: +16
Calibration: 10-20 mm
Season: May to the end of June of each year.
3- Red Globe grapes make a great addition to your table.
Famous for their large berry size and excellent shelf life. Sweet & crunchy, large round red berries and this type of grapes is great for salads.
Color: Blush red - Seeded
Brix: +16
Calibration: 22-30 mm
Season: July to August of each year.
4- Amazing health benefit of Crimson Seedless grapes the fruit of life.
Generally, these egyptian grapes are a bit sweet, firm, and meaty, and the flavor in this variety of grape is most popular for exports because of their flavor. furthermore those grapes are medium sized, oval-shaped, and seedless.
Color: Blush red
Brix: +16
Calibration: 14-22 mm
Season: From July to september of each year.
5- You're going to love Flame grapes when they're in season.
Medium-sized clusters of large, sweet-tart, and Crunchy.
Color: Blush red
Brix: +18
Calibration: 16-22 mm
Season: From 15th May to July of each year
6- Autumn Royal takes you to the highest level of sweetness.
The berries of the Autumn Royal seedless variety are larger than those from most other grape varieties.
Export Fruits from GEO EXPORTING has many benefits, read more to find out about our products.
GEO exports high-quality fruits according to European standards and is ISO 9001 certified according to the ISO/IAS quality system.
We have had our new brand "GEO FARMS" since 2021 and this contains all exported fresh fruits and Frozen which we produce and grow from our land.
Quality control starts when we grow the fruits and ends when we deliver them to our customers, Our team continually checks the quality of our fruits, which is why you consider us as your exporter in Egypt. Additionally, we strictly follow European specifications to ensure that our products are reliable.
When it comes to bulk deals, we have a sustainable network of farms and suppliers to make sure that our products are of a high standard.
Our products have also been exported to countries such as Belgium, Germany, Netherlands, UK, and even some in Africa.
We are Exporting Fruits and provide The required Quantities of the Highest-Quality as we have been working In the export Market Since 2012 And We Have Enough Experience In That. In Addition To our Farms, We Use Our Suppliers In Case Of Bulk Quantities.
The best prices In the market while maintaining quality are always what we provide.
Some export Fruits that we could afford
Specifications and details:
Our Pomegranate types: 116, Wonderful – Baladi.
And Packed in 5kg in a Standard open top-Carton.
So, the Container 40 feet HC could have 17 tons.
20 Pallets in the container. ( we could do 21 pallets also).
And each Container contains 3400 cartons.
Specifications and details of our export fruits:
Product Name: Grapes
Varieties: Prime / Superior / Flame / Crimson / Red globe / Royal Autumn
Packing: Carton / Box Plastic Punnet
Weight: 5 kg
One Container 40 ft 12 Ton / 20 Pallet.
Egyptian Oranges
Specifications and details:
Valencia / Navel
Carton / Box Plastic / Benz
Net Weight 15 KG /Gross Weight 16 KG Net Weight 7.5 KG / Gross Weight 8 KG
Shipping by sea
The 40ft container could have 24.96 Metric Tons.
As always, we are ready for tomorrow while providing the best quality today.